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Next best thing for the US (and perhaps the world)


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  1. 1. Who would you vote for in 2012 US Elections

    • Barack Obama/Democrats
    • Mitt Romney/Republicans
    • Any Other/Third Party such as Libertarian/Green etc
    • All political parties are a waste of my vote

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This current US Presidential election, is a battle between a lame dog President, and a challenger who is so lame they would have to invent a new word to describe his lameness (as a scientist type I would use Megalame, we love words with mega in it). Neither will serve the American people well, nor help the US nation become the thriving economic powerhouse it has been for so long. As previously stated in this debute, I believe by the 2016 elction, China will of become the top dog nation, which fills me with a little nervousness, I know where the world stands with the US driving the global economy, but am less certain of China.

Referring to jim_uk point, as an english person, I am all in favour of an independent Scotland, and would welcome the people of Wales being given the same opportunity.

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@jim_uk - I appreciate your comments and points made, but I'm not confused about the means or the legal process or even the state of gaining independence in Wales.

My comments originated from a statement made that the media is biased and thus one should not believe everything one hears from the media. I wholly agree the media is biased. But it isn't just biased about the US elections, its biased everywhere and so long as it does publish lies (such as; Wales, Scotland, Ireland, etc. can't afford to be independent because they rely on England too much for everything) and people believe the lies, then it will be difficult to have a referendum or to gain support for independence or to run a fair presidential election.


@mizdarby - they have invented a name for the lamest presidential contender in time memorial, its Romnesia, given it seems he has forgotten pretty much everything he has said since the RNC. I prefer the name Obamaloney as a description of the Democratic side myself, but both are pretty good descriptors for them.


And since we do need to stay on topic - that being the US presidential elections, for your enjoyment - or not - depending on your point of view.



Edited by Tidus44
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I don't think it matters much who wins, neither of them will serve the American people, they'll serve those who bankroll them.


I would have to disagree with you on this. Just look at some of the things Obama has done for the American people...




Obama has done more for the people of America than most presidents can say during such very bad economical times.


The U.S is still going full steam ahead in the direction of a default, that isn't in the interests of the American People, things may be bad now but it's nothing compared to the nightmare of a default. The corporate welfare hasn't stopped, nothing has been done about the hemorrhaging of jobs to China, the bankers are still robbing the American people and Americans are still dying in foreign lands.


For the record if you research on the internet the things any recent republican politician has actually done for the people of the nation thier records are horrible in comparison to a majority of democratic politicians. You can't deny looking at what specifically Obama has done for a mass majority of people in the USA is widely done to benifit the people of the nation in comparison to someone like Bush or even Romney.


Despite if you like a politician or not is completely a personal view but the record shows Obama has actually done more things in the interest for the mass majority of the American people than any president in the last 4 decades.


edit: also would like to explain why specifically News programing like FoxNews is so dangerous for america...


On the subject of the media we could do with a Fox News over here to counter the constant stream of left wing drivel put out by the state broadcaster, a broadcaster we're forced to fund even if we never look at it.


If you watch this clip here this is just one example how dangerous a News network can be by misleading the public with information that is completely untrue..






When some americans watch programing like FoxNew as their "only' sorce of news it's very dangerous when a network like this will for days on end report 24/7 things that are completely untrue. When you take the average conservative viewer watching fox new when they are constantly reminded for days on end by a news network saying Obama was spending millions of tax payer dollars to a visit to india and asia most likely that person will think it as fact when the people on FoxNews have no real evidence what they are presenting to have any truth behind it.


The sad thing is FoxNew has been doing stuff like this for years and getting away duping their viewers with info that is not even true. There is a huge difference for a news reporter to have an opinion but also be covering the news and a news reporter with an opinion with a political agenda despite if what they are reporting is true or not.


Just imagine if one week FoxNew decided to start pressenting a false story or a story with no actual facts to support any claims about an issue that could potentially risk the nations national security Just for their political agenda.

Edited by colourwheel
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This current US Presidential election, is a battle between a lame dog President, and a challenger who is so lame they would have to invent a new word to describe his lameness (as a scientist type I would use Megalame, we love words with mega in it). Neither will serve the American people well, nor help the US nation become the thriving economic powerhouse it has been for so long. As previously stated in this debute, I believe by the 2016 elction, China will of become the top dog nation, which fills me with a little nervousness, I know where the world stands with the US driving the global economy, but am less certain of China.

Referring to jim_uk point, as an english person, I am all in favour of an independent Scotland, and would welcome the people of Wales being given the same opportunity.


I'm all for self determination, both the Scots and Welsh should be given the opportunity to choose who governs them just like the people of the U.K should be given the right to choose to be independent of the E.U, a vote our elite will do anything to avoid.



@jim_uk - I appreciate your comments and points made, but I'm not confused about the means or the legal process or even the state of gaining independence in Wales.

My comments originated from a statement made that the media is biased and thus one should not believe everything one hears from the media. I wholly agree the media is biased. But it isn't just biased about the US elections, its biased everywhere and so long as it does publish lies (such as; Wales, Scotland, Ireland, etc. can't afford to be independent because they rely on England too much for everything) and people believe the lies, then it will be difficult to have a referendum or to gain support for independence or to run a fair presidential election.


@mizdarby - they have invented a name for the lamest presidential contender in time memorial, its Romnesia, given it seems he has forgotten pretty much everything he has said since the RNC. I prefer the name Obamaloney as a description of the Democratic side myself, but both are pretty good descriptors for them.


And since we do need to stay on topic - that being the US presidential elections, for your enjoyment - or not - depending on your point of view.




The U.K media doesn't represent the majority of England either, on one side you have the BBC/Guardian who speak for the metropolitan left and on the other the likes of the Daily Mail who speak for the lunatic element.



I don't think it matters much who wins, neither of them will serve the American people, they'll serve those who bankroll them.


I would have to disagree with you on this. Just look at some of the things Obama has done for the American people...




Obama has done more for the people of America than most presidents can say during such very bad economical times.


The U.S is still going full steam ahead in the direction of a default, that isn't in the interests of the American People, things may be bad now but it's nothing compared to the nightmare of a default. The corporate welfare hasn't stopped, nothing has been done about the hemorrhaging of jobs to China, the bankers are still robbing the American people and Americans are still dying in foreign lands.


For the record if you research on the internet the things any recent republican politician has actually done for the people of the nation thier records are horrible in comparison to a majority of democratic politicians. You can't deny looking at what specifically Obama has done for a mass majority of people in the USA is widely done to benifit the people of the nation in comparison to someone like Bush or even Romney.


Despite if you like a politician or not is completely a personal view but the record shows Obama has actually done more things in the interest for the mass majority of the American people than any president in the last 4 decades.


He's no different to the Labour Party over here, they buy people's support with peoples own money. "Look at all the shiny things I've bought for you with your money", as ever the left is very generous with other peoples hard earned. He's doing exactly what Tony Blair did here, build up a base of people reliant on the largess of his party and then tell those people that the things they've been become reliant on will vanish if they vote for somebody else. Don't take my word for it, look at the unholy mess on this side of the pond, Europe has had decades of this sort of thing. I'm not picking sides here, to me Romney looks like a Grade-A clown much like the halfwit we have leading the country, I wouldn't wish him on my worst enemy.

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I don't think it matters much who wins, neither of them will serve the American people, they'll serve those who bankroll them.


I would have to disagree with you on this. Just look at some of the things Obama has done for the American people...




Obama has done more for the people of America than most presidents can say during such very bad economical times.

4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

Obama shouldn't be given credit for fulfilling Bush's agreement with the Iraqis, an agreement he wasn't too keen on keeping. Or have you forgotten that Obama's administration wanted to keep troops in Iraq past the Bush/Iraqi agreement to have all U.S. troops withdrawn no later than December 31st 2011?


8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act

No, they aren't.


9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible

See above.


10. Limits on lobbyist’s access to the White House

11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration

Are you forgetting SOPA/PIPA/everyotherPA in the last four years?


12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date

Bush had already started phasing out stop loss, Obama just continued that policy to end stop loss.


13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren’t even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan

And it's going to bite us in the ass, just like cancelling the B-2 production bit us in the ass. Now we're scrambling to develop a new bomber fleet, spending billions upon billions to design a new bomber to replace the rapidly aging B-52 fleet and reinforce the B-2 fleet.


21 The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out

And instead of releasing the illegally detained prisoners, they're all being sent to other prisons in other countries. Not to mention that he promised to shut it down and four years later it hasn't been. This isn't a victory for anyone other than the Pontius Pilates of America.


26. US financial and banking rescue plan

You mean the bank and wallstreet bailout that was a continuation of Bush policies and just about universally despised by Americans? Yup, the very same one.


28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with theGeneva Convention standards

And instead, we now have indefinite detentions of American citizens on American soil and executions with no judicial oversight of American citizens on foreign soil.


30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010

Only the most important program we have. The one that strives to protect us from any enemy that may have or obtain powerful missiles. I'm not a big fan of military spending cuts in the first place. But surely, even those that want large scale reductions in military spending can see how the missile defense program is an important one.


34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office

This says to me that in his first six months, Obama was more concerned about the rest of the world than problems in the homeland. It was a massive PR nightmare for Obama. I really wouldn't list it with his victories.


45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters

Except when disaster struck Texas. Then it was all "f*** you guys."


53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel

Only when they actually get paid. :whistling:


57 Increasing student loans

Increased the number of young Americans getting royally screwed over by private banks while receiving student loans. FTFY


65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced

Thus making them owe more money and repay over a longer period of time.


66. Improving benefits for veterans

Isn't Obama the one that wanted to slash existing benefits? :whistling:


67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration

PR move, benefits Obama more than Americans~


69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco

Get government OUT of my cigarettes. Kthnxbye


76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court

That first Latina voted against American rights. She can go right straight to hell.


81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan



85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket

How does this benefit Americans? It didn't have to be redecorated.


87. Attempting to reform the nation’s healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured

Did a damn good job of maintaining the status quo in the process.


89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform

90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform

The road to hell, it is paved with these things.


Oh, and he built a swing set for the girls outside the Oval Office.

Until I can swing on this swing set, f*** them! :tongue:


There are policies that many of us disagree with or wish he would improve or facilitate more quickly, but come on, this is a pretty sweet list.

It's a pretty disingenuous list is what it is. Many of those things are high controversial and at least some of them are just about universally hated.


I can go on, but I'd rather not. Aside from those gripes I have listed, I am sure there are more. But it really doesn't stop there. There's an equally long list of things Obama has done that does or would screw over Americans.

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you seem to point out concerns about the obama administration showing how flawed his administration is and your points are very arguable. yet the point i was trying to show was the good thing Obama has done for the actual people of america in oppose to what most presidents have actual done for the people of the nation.


but since you list all these nagative things about obama you could very easily do this sort of thing showing how flawed any administration is and with the republican party most presidents records are far worst.

Edited by colourwheel
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but since you list all these nagative things about obama you could very easily do this sort of thing showing how flawed any administration is and with the repupublican party most presidents records are far worst.

Perhaps you have already forgotten, but I have been pretty vocal about being anti-Republican.


My points about Obama were calling into question the alleged good he has done. Pointing out that some of the quoted issues either didn't help the American public, were started by previous administrations, harmed the American public, were replaced by equally bad or even worse policies and/or a mixture of the above.


Bush was a terrible president, so was Clinton, so is Obama and so would be Mitt Romney.

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One can not consider how much good a president has done without taking into account the damage. Obama has done a lot of damage. All presidents have done good. They've just done different types of good.


Obama is no better a president than Bush was, Bush was no better a president than Clinton, Clinton no better than Bush, Bush no better than... Well this is sounding really familiar. Pretty sure I posted this same line earlier.

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Obama is no better a president than Bush was, Bush was no better a president than Clinton, Clinton no better than Bush, Bush no better than... Well this is sounding really familiar. Pretty sure I posted this same line earlier.


You might have said this before yet it's just your opinion.


In my opinion I think clinton has been better than any of the presidents you have listed.




More to the point you say all presidents do good yet you bash Obama based on opinion. If you just don't like him i can understand that but unless you can show any historical proof of any president in the recent few decades that have actually have a better record for actually doing good for the "people" of our nation, the point you were trying to show is kinda flawed.

Edited by colourwheel
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