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  1. 1. Who would you vote for in 2012 US Elections

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You can select short clips to prove almost any point. It would be necessary to watch over a fair period of time to assess the degree of in depth bias on either side. But it still remains that you are being selective and wagging the finger at Fox News because you happen not to agree with them. I have seen some of the fruit loop clips of Fox, I have yet to watch them on a day to day basis. That doesn't alter the fact that that news media of all sorts and political persuasions can be slanted and biased, often according to the political agenda of their owner.


As an aside the reason that the political slant of the BBC causes such anger is that it is a publicly funded service and should remain neutral and represent the entire population. If you want an example that is of some relevance to the USA, there was an edition of their politics/current affairs debate programme Question Time broadcast in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. The Ambassador of the United States, Philip Lader, was on the panel, and was ambushed and reduced almost to tears by an audience packed with leftist thugs. I made an official complaint to the BBC and wrote a letter of apology to the US Ambassador. Guess which one got a response? Yup, Mr Ambassador replied. So mentioning the BBC is relevant as an example of the fact that Left wing bias exists, and I am sure that the likes of Syco21 or Aurelius would be able to speak on the subject of left wing US media bias. BBC is also, incidentally, virulently slanted against anything to do with the Unites States or Israel. Try watching any of its coverage when the Middle East situation is in the spotlight.

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You can select short clips to prove almost any point. It would be necessary to watch over a fair period of time to assess the degree of in depth bias on either side. But it still remains that you are being selective and wagging the finger at Fox News because you happen not to agree with them. I have seen some of the fruit loop clips of Fox, I have yet to watch them on a day to day basis. That doesn't alter the fact that that news media of all sorts and political persuasions can be slanted and biased, often according to the political agenda of their owner.


As an aside the reason that the political slant of the BBC causes such anger is that it is a publicly funded service and should remain neutral and represent the entire population. If you want an example that is of some relevance to the USA, there was an edition of their politics/current affairs debate programme Question Time broadcast in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. The Ambassador of the United States, Philip Lader, was on the panel, and was ambushed and reduced almost to tears by an audience packed with leftist thugs. I made an official complaint to the BBC and wrote a letter of apology to the US Ambassador. Guess which one got a response? Yup, Mr Ambassador replied. So mentioning the BBC is relevant as an example of the fact that Left wing bias exists, and I am sure that the likes of Syco21 or Aurelius would be able to speak on the subject of left wing US media bias. BBC is also, incidentally, virulently slanted against anything to do with the Unites States or Israel. Try watching any of its coverage when the Middle East situation is in the spotlight.


Ginnyfizz, I think you miss the point i was getting at about bias media news networks. Your example doesn't really reflect the reporters that work for the news network. But putting a pannel full of left wing bias people was probably very unbalanced situation the Ambassador walked into.


There is a way a reporter can have an honest bias opinion and still report the news with the facts. I have yet to see BBC have reporters with bias opinions report the news then present things that are simply not true for weeks on end by all their reporters and commentators to dupe the public as if what they are saying as the truth.


This is the huge difference i have tried to point out specifically about Foxnews. And i have shown substantial evidence to help support my point numberious times what fox news has been doing in previous posts actually posting videos of foxnews and thier dishonesty.


I am not convienced BBC has even come close to doing what foxnews has been doing. Telling someone to select short clips on youtube isnt a good way to try to show how "slanted" BBC is when a person doesn't even know what to look for in favor of your arguement.


And just because the Ambassador replied to you mentioning the BBC is relevant as an example of the fact that Left wing bias exists is not the point i was originally trying to get at. "Left wing bias" exists just as much as "right wing bias" I agree with that. But "left wing bias" media doesn't try to dupe their viewers with things that are simply not true.


I mean if I was to write a letter to Foxnews in complaint, I bet I wouldn't get a responce back either.

Edited by colourwheel
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No colourwheel, I wasn't saying you should watch short clips, I said short clips were not the answer so actually we would agree on that. And I guess you haven't seen the bias of the BBC news coverage, not really had any cause to. But try if you can to catch anything they do on the Middle East, and their Left Wing, anti American, anti Israel and pro Palestinian bias would be very evident to you. Quite as bad as anything Fox can produce in their own little way.


I didn't actually say that the Ambassador replying was anything to do with left Wing bias per se, it was more to do with the arrogance of the BBC and their sense of their own rectitude.

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No colourwheel, I wasn't saying you should watch short clips, I said short clips were not the answer so actually we would agree on that. And I guess you haven't seen the bias of the BBC news coverage, not really had any cause to. But try if you can to catch anything they do on the Middle East, and their Left Wing, anti American, anti Israel and pro Palestinian bias would be very evident to you. Quite as bad as anything Fox can produce in their own little way.


I didn't actually say that the Ambassador replying was anything to do with left Wing bias per se, it was more to do with the arrogance of the BBC and their sense of their own rectitude.


Ginnyfizz your missing the point again. Almost all news is Bias to a degree yet I doubt BBC reporters straight out report lies like FoxNews has been doing for years on end...


There is a way a reporter can have an honest bias opinion and still report the news with the facts.


Which Foxnews doesn't even spin the facts, they just straight out lie and try to dupe their viewers...


And when they are actually get caught lying, they don't even try to apologize or correct the record. They just make up an excuse and pretend they did nothing wrong then move onto the next bunch of lies to dupe their viewers.


Going back to what Tidus44 posted earlier...


As for the news media, I cannot even fathom how Fox is permitted to even operate as a news agency. Fox doesn't report the news, they make it up as they go.


The original point about Foxnews Tidus44 couldn't have said it better.

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There is a situation ongoing at the moment where the BBC can be said to have outright lied, covered up and suppressed the truth. The now deceased DJ and BBC presenter Jimmy Savile has been revealed to be a serial paedophile and pervert - Google for the sordid details. The abuse took place over a period of fifty years and involved vulnerable children and subordinates at the BBC. It was suppressed and dismissed when complaints were made at the time. And even when he died, an expose by one BBC programme was suppressed and squashed because the BBC wanted to broadcast tributes to the old sleazebag. That is a case of institutional lying and cover up of the very worst kind. Due to the seriousness of the criminal offences involved, that has to be worse than anything Fox broadcast.


I am not a fan of Fox, really. But we just need to realise that the media of whatever political colour can lie through their teeth when it suits.

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Less than 5 days away from the election, there isn't much else that a canidate can do to hugely influence anyone new to sway their vote one dirrection or the other unless they are completely politically bipolar.


Right now after all that has gone on this year I would put my chips all in on Obama. You know Mitt Romney is loosing badly when a republican like colin powell and Michael Bloomberg are both endorsing Obama, and Chris Christie who gave the 2012 RNC keynote speech who use to criticize Obama now praises Obama as being a true presidential leader.


Unless something really big happens over this weekend Romney will be hated by a lot of people who wasted over 3/4th of a billion dollars invested by his super pacs and romney will be unemployed looking for a new job. You have to think even when rich people spend that amount of money on a political canidate you know he had have to promissed them something. Also if Romney looses this election he is damaged politically forever. No person running for president who looses after the kind of campaign he ran could ever run for any political office again, knowing what he has done just in the last year alone just to get that one extra vote.


The Republican party is just dying unless they come up with "actual" new ideas and reform their core beliefs. They are just not popular anymore with the changing times and our changing country.




Nate Silver's political calculus now shows Obama's chances of winning the election at 80.9% over romney's chances at 19.1%. The chances of Romeny winning is decreasing every day that goes by.

Edited by colourwheel
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Less than 5 days away from the election, there isn't much else that a canidate can do to hugely influence anyone new to sway their vote one dirrection or the other unless they are completely politically bipolar.


Right now after all that has gone on this year I would put my chips all in on Obama. You know Mitt Romney is loosing badly when a republican like colin powell and Michael Bloomberg are both endorsing Obama, and Chris Christie who gave the 2012 RNC keynote speech who use to criticize Obama now praises Obama as being a true presidential leader.


Unless something really big happens over this weekend Romney will be hated by a lot of people who wasted over 3/4th of a billion dollars invested by his super pacs and romney will be unemployed looking for a new job. You have to think even when rich people spend that amount of money on a political canidate you know he had have to promissed them something. Also if Romney looses this election he is damaged politically forever. No person running for president who looses after the kind of campaign he ran could ever run for any political office again, knowing what he has done just in the last year alone just to get that one extra vote.


The Republican party is just dying unless they come up with "actual" new ideas and reform their core beliefs. They are just not popular anymore with the changing times and our changing country.




Nate Silver's political calculus now shows Obama's chances of winning the election at 80.9% over romney's chances at 19.1%. The chances of Romeny winning is decreasing every day that goes by.



I just had to inject some humor.


"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."


George Carlin

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Every news station on TV, including cable news is all biased toward a political agenda. Fox just happens to be the only one that steers Republican. MSNBC may as well be part of the Obama election campaign, the same way Fox is pulling for Romney. Its never news with regards to politics, its always political pundits sharing their opinions on TV. Fox allows some Liberals to speak, but they are often shut out, interrupted, and some times even ostracized. MSNBC does the same thing to Conservatives. If anyone remembers, Dan Rather with CBS resigned after an outright lie about Bush. Had to do with his military service.
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Every news station on TV, including cable news is all biased toward a political agenda. Fox just happens to be the only one that steers Republican. MSNBC may as well be part of the Obama election campaign, the same way Fox is pulling for Romney. Its never news with regards to politics, its always political pundits sharing their opinions on TV. Fox allows some Liberals to speak, but they are often shut out, interrupted, and some times even ostracized. MSNBC does the same thing to Conservatives. If anyone remembers, Dan Rather with CBS resigned after an outright lie about Bush. Had to do with his military service.


FoxNews is still the only News Network despite it's the only network that steers Republican that disreguards facts completely. They have been caught so many times being so dishonest the way they present the news its been concidered lies. Dan Rather of CBS might have been caught lying yet he resigned and was held accountable. Almost all of Fox news staff has not been held accountable for the mis-information they dupe their public views consistantly.

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