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Leveled list issue

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Currently, I am working on a creature mod. I am having trouble figuring out why some creatures show up in spawns, but some don't. They all have been placed in leveled lists based on where I think they fit. I don't want to release a beta yet, knowing it isn't ready for public use. So I am unsure what to do at this point. Anyone good with leveled lists out there?
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When you put a creature/NPC on a leveled list you can be sure it will respawn at the place you put it and you can also add diversity so you don't always encounter the same creature/NPC.


You should better directly place a creature/NPC as is if you don't want it to reappear. Except if I'm wrong if you set a creature/NPC to respawn you don't have any mean to know where it will respawn and if it will come back to the place you want it to be.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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Also make certain to assign a percent chance for them to spawn (i.e. don't set it to zero) in the levelled list.

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"Also make certain to assign a percent chance for them to spawn (i.e. don't set it to zero) in the levelled list."


I'll check on this.




"Also worth keeping in mind that the same leveled lists edited by different plugins natively won't "merge". Using Wrye Bash's bashed patch will help immensely with that."


I never go anywhere without my bash patch:)

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"Also make certain to assign a percent chance for them to spawn (i.e. don't set it to zero) in the levelled list."


I'll check on this.




"Also worth keeping in mind that the same leveled lists edited by different plugins natively won't "merge". Using Wrye Bash's bashed patch will help immensely with that."


I never go anywhere without my bash patch:)


The pleasure was all mine.^^

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So I checked and every vanilla leveled list I looked at is set to 0 chance. I remember reading about how this gives a 100% chance for a spawn from a given lists marker. I have simply drag n dropped my creature additions into select lists. Like previously stated, most of the creatures are showing up, but not all. What about the calculate part under what level the creature is. I don't understand that part all too well. I believe it means calculate up to a certain level for a creature, then it caps. Is that right? Anyways, probably gonna release a beta so I can get more directed responses. Thanks for all the advice everyone, btw... The name of the mod will be "Rev's Creature Compendium Addon". I am calling it playable at this point anyway, and any further updates should be safe. Edited by ReverendFelix
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I recall the way it is worded for the percent chance for an individual on the list to spawn is sort of misleading ... I did the same as you when trying to figure it out to correct a mod I was using.


I used Leveling Quick Fix as a guide and incorporated a variation of it's change to my own miscellaneous fixes and tweaks ESP (extended it to include armor and weapons).

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I recall the way it is worded for the percent chance for an individual on the list to spawn is sort of misleading ... I did the same as you when trying to figure it out to correct a mod I was using.


I used Leveling Quick Fix as a guide and incorporated a variation of it's change to my own miscellaneous fixes and tweaks ESP (extended it to include armor and weapons).

Firstly, I didn't make new leveled lists, just added to existing ones that clearly work. I have now had all but 5 creatures appear and function properly. That's out about 20 or so. I think I may just have set something wrong regarding the last 5. As to make them only appear at certain levels, instead of scaling appearances.


Secondly, that mod seems cool, but I want to make this non-dependant on other mods.

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I linked it so that you could load it up in TES4Edit or the CS and see how simple the tweak it makes is to achieve. Not suggesting anything other than doing a bit of peeking under the covers to see if you see anything interesting.


The mod that I needed to correct the levelled list was adding it's levelled list to the vanilla levelled list for conjurers and necromancers, and there was a post in it's mod comments about the error. Once I got digging around in it I realised myself that any of those NPCs added via the mod specific levelled list weren't appearing at all and a bit more investigation brought the solution to light.


If I recall correctly different spawn points draw from different levelled lists (the 25, 50 and 100 for example) so that where there are two or more spawn points close to one another one may spawn at 100% probability but the other only infrequently.

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