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Hearthfire - Opposing views


Hearthfire: Do you like this DLC?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like this DLC?

    • Yes, it adds more flavor to Skyrim and more homes is just what we needed!
    • No, They are basically releasing the same stuff with a different mechanic.
    • No(Some other reason)
    • Don't care.

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Huh, well... I suppose i've been too wrapped up in my own (slowly progressing) plugin to spend sufficient time keeping taps on whats been happening.


Regardless, i think Hearthfire, with some cunning (re. Devious) marketing (or community pressure) could be the best thing that has happened to The Elder Scrolls, a push to the old ways and a revival of PC gaming. If we can kill the next-gen consoles before release, we'd have an even better chance. Whose up for raiding Sony's R&D department?


Heh :) Up for raiding Sony, but only because I can't currently afford to replace my PS3.


Voted yes, though I don't think it's necessarily "just what we needed". It adds more assets for modders and something new for console players and IMHO that's a not bad thing.

Edited by flummox
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Meh. It looks like filler. I'm more into lore-expanding expansions than "Hey, look at this new feature" or "Hey! This evil and unrelated menace popped out just yesterday and you need to kill it!" content. Though to be fair, there are ways that kind of content can be stirred up to expand the lore of the main game (ala Shivering Isles, totally unrelated thing but very enlightening about one of the main things in Oblivion, the Daedra Princes). BUT I dont see this DLC heading that way thus I don't care about it... Unless making a house can explain some things surrounding Akatosh, Alduin and the Dragonborns that is. Edited by eltucu
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Meh. It looks like filler. I'm more into lore-expanding expansions than "Hey, look at this new feature" or "Hey! This evil and unrelated menace popped out just yesterday and you need to kill it!" content. Though to be fair, there are ways that kind of content can be stirred up to expand the lore of the main game (ala Shivering Isles, totally unrelated thing but very enlightening about one of the main things in Oblivion, the Daedra Princes). BUT I dont see this DLC heading that way thus I don't care about it... Unless making a house can explain some things surrounding Akatosh, Alduin and the Dragonborns that is.


Builds a house which for no reason results in gaining the ability to read and fully understand Elder Scrolls without going blind, then learns everything about Nirn, the Nine/Eight, the entire M'aiq family tree, and beyond. Biggest decision? Can't decide where to place the mounted mud crab. :psyduck:


Best. DLC. Ever. Lol

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Biggest decision? Can't decide where to place the mounted mud crab. :psyduck:
OMIGOSH! Thats it! The mudcrab holds the secret of EVERYTHING!!!


Maybe reading an elder scroll will turn you blind, but placing the mounted mud crab will turn you sterile, blind AND tell your girlfriend about that time on the club with your friends.

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I guess I'm in a minority, because I think this looks pretty fun. Much as I really would love to see the role playing expanded in more meaningful, less gimmicky ways, if they must do a gimmick this is one I'm happy to see them do. I don't doubt that some elements are going to be pointlessly shallow, like adopting kids (unless this includes a massive rehaul and expansion of how friendships, romances, and marriage play out, which I doubt), but I personally love the idea of an in-game house building mechanic. Now they just need to include a shop-running DLC and the ability to buy out the Mythic Dawn Museum and transform it into the Dovahkiin Museum and they'll have hit all my gimmicky desires.
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I voted Don't Care, I don't really care for it as a plugin in my game, the build your house part is ok, don't care to defend it from random attacks, and I don't care about adopting creepy copy\ pasted children. However I will buy it if it's made available for PC (don't see why it wouldn't be), so I can use any assets that come with it in the CK, and possibly to use mods that might require it. It's $5 I think it's worth that even if I don't use it in game.
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Yes, I agree that it looks 'more interesting' than the steward buy method. But it's essentially the same thing,.. you just use materials instead of gold, and use a workbench instead of talking to a steward.... >.> I think a talking mudcrab would convince me that this mod actually ADDS something other than minor mechanics that appear as if they belonged in vanilla or part of a patch. :)


I think thats 'my' biggest concern really... they are milking this. It's an EA syndrom and I think it'll get worse.

Yes, I am biased on my own topic... forgive me >.<

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I voted yes. Not because I'm actually interested in the DLC itself, but because of what it will bring to console gamers. I play on a PC, but my sister plays on an XBox. More content cannot hurt anything in the long run. I (and many others) have said this before but I will repeat it anyway; the PC market is only a small fraction of their total sales. Like it or not, console gaming is the largest sector of the gaming public by a wide margin. I don't see much reason for that to change anytime soon. I say Bethesda should get full support not only for making sure that PC version exists to begin with but also for supporting it by releasing the CK (for free, mind you).


I'll buy this mod mainly to support Bethesda. As far as house mods go, I've tried a lot of them and almost always keep coming back to vanilla Breezehome.

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Honestly,i don't know what to think exactly.


The Good


Even tho there is mods that does this,let's be honest,every single mod is created by a single person (in most of the cases) mostly without any experience in that sort of thing,and what we get is a third-party addon that might or might not work,or in worst case scenarios,break the game or corrupt save file.

This is where actual developers shine,as small or large of an addition to the content we might get,we know that it will work for everyone,we won't have people crying ''weee it doesn't work,omg fix plz'' or anything like that.

We can rest assured that it will be a quality addition to the game.

I think the hype is up because for Skyrim,this is the first time when dev team took a mod and made it into an official addition.

Look at Minecraft and WoW,developers have been doing this for ages,they take decent mod/player-made addon ideas,and make official implementations of them in one way or another,and i think it's cool,in Skyrim's case,people who have been using the build your own house mods up till now,won't have to worry about random CTD,messed up saved file or some random bug in general,and i think that's worth it.

People who made the original mods should feel proud,Bethesda did not just come up with the idea,it was more than likely influenced by a Skyrim mod.

The mod you made inspired Bethesda to release official addon,how cool is that? :D

Then again....


The Bad

I dare to say that i will not pay for the new ''dlc'' i will pirate it,i get the price tag on Dawnguard,new items,new NPCs,locations,quests,it's worth the amount.

But 5$ for ability to make a place where you can grow dandelions in wooden pots?

I have more than enough space to pile up my foraged stuff as it is,and for me in Skyrim that's the only reason to even have an option to own a house.

What i also don't like about this,and also the reason why i never used any custom house building mods,is that it has too much SIMS vibe surrounding it.

Honestly,you are one tough m0fo in harsh land surrounded by death,massive mountains,vampires,lava,bears,undead,saber cats,giants,mammoths,dragons......and you have an option to spend your time building your own palace of love....

Then again with the new addition of marriage in one of the recent patches i guess we had it coming.


In short


It's nice to see Bethesda doing something that a lot of develoers have been successfully practicing for a long time,i support the direction,but i do not support the choice at hand,and the price tag,be it 5$,15$,or just 50 cents,i won't pay for such small addition,looking at the price tag of full game,i guess the new house building addition is worth as much as....Windhelm?


Banned - TVD.

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