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I have invested 466 hours into Skyrim.


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I've played countless builds, including some very wild ones (my favorite build to play is the non-combat alchemist/rev. pickpocket/illusionist). I've done every major quest multiple times (including Dawnguard), and nearly every subquest I believe. I've played all sorts of mods.


And, I'm to the point to where the replay value is disappearing.


The question is, what's next? I've done the same with Morrowind and Oblivion fairly recently, too.


I love open-world style RPGs. Skyrim has a solid place in my heart... but what's next? A new fix? Therapy?


I've played the hell out of Fallout 3 & NV. I've bought The Witcher 2, but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.


It's just hard to find that combination of an Elder Scrolls like game. Open world, mods, skill based character progression (I HATE class based) etc.


Hearthfire won't satiate me. Building a house and doing radiant quests to kill things in/around it? Meh.

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OB and Morrow in fact give more replayability with Spell creation alone. A lot of unique builds (builds you would definitely enjoy) are no longer even viable in base Skyrim, and magic mods dont help either. With that said, have you RPed a bard (music mod), farmer, addict, miner, smith?
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There are no (good) attribute mods, (good) acrobatic, degradation, or no spell creation mods proper.


Not to mention too many mods=Skyrim lags, regardless of system or tweaks.


Although yes, there are a lot of good gameplay mods that add diversity, specifically RP diversity like TC wants.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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There are no (good) attribute mods, (good) acrobatic, degradation, or no spell creation mods proper.


Not to mention too many mods=Skyrim lags, regardless of system or tweaks.


Although yes, there are a lot of good gameplay mods that add diversity, specifically RP diversity like TC wants.


Errrr.. have to disagree, there is a mod out there that brings back Morrowinds spell creation/enchantment system if I recall correctly, not sure what your looking for in acrobatic.. but theres mods that enhance your jump animation and how high / far you jump if for some reason that was what you wanted, and there is definitely a fleshed out attributes mod on the nexus if your interested in that sort of thing, but it's not yet 100% balanced (as of .. a month or so ago when I last looked at it.)


But you want another fix with an open world en that has multible styles of play but is BRUTAL?

Get dark souls for PC + get a controler (or spend 2-4 hours getting used to the controls they have for you, that alone will be brutal, best with a controler, but I've grown accustom to the dark souls controls)


or do the other thing I did 3;


Alternative Start (For RP)

ACE + DUEL : Combat Realism + Frostfall + Imps Complex Needs + Belua Sanguinare Revisited(if vamp, or use better vampires by bre) + ASIS & assorted weapons / items / other additions of your preference. ACE + Duel + Expert Difficulty (not to mention the freezing to death & starvation/drink/sleep issues = Dark Souls Difficulty. You fail to parry or block your likely out 80% of your health (just like darksouls.. it's bloody HARD .. there is a reason it's called Prepare to Die edition.)


None of which 'lag' the game to any degree at least that is noticeable have 40+ mods.. maybe when you get into 150-200 .. but good gawd.. and by that point your likely running into incompatibility issues out the wazu 3; Not just performance issues ! The tweaks implimented by Duel make the AI smarter and ACE combined with it makes the game rough; combat more deadly, perk trees rebalanced and much more, relying on tactics over anything else become a utter requirement after level 10; as well as altering Spell creation to lose the imbalanced aspects, combat's exploits like stun-locked knockdowns on opponents, ect.


There are also dungeon mods and quest mods (some of which are voiced) on the Nexus, though the only one that really comes to mind is the forest, Moonpath? Which basically opens up a whole giant forest with new monsters and such and WILL lag your system if it's not up to par and trying to run high.

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Hear me out when I say do another playthrough of Fallout 3. Out of all of Bethesda's games, Fallout 3 has by far the most overhaul mods that completely change every single aspect and nuance of the game from how you fast travel, how you start the game (your background story), the choices you can make, and so much more.


The most convincing reason to make another Fallout 3 char (if you need any more convincing) is because Bethesda has allegedly been sited scouting Boston (because of the commonwealth probably) for Fallout 4. So I know that means it will probably be a year (hopefully less) until it comes out, but it would still be smart to refresh your memory (which is what i'm doing :P).

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What's next? Modding. So addictive it should be in the FDA Schedule II list.:thumbsup:


I did some modding back in Morrowind/Oblivion days, but mostly just texture stuff (and music). Modding is fun, but I just don't want to invest that kind of time anymore. I've got a day job, and am a solo recording/performing artist - working on mods just doesn't relax me much anymore :)


I considered Dark Souls, but honestly, I hate using a game pad, and I don't like insanely difficult games. I like games where I can explore, try new things, and not have to worry about the consequences as much. I got into The Secret World because of that, but it's progress was slow, and MMOs just don't capture me like they used to.


I dunno. I guess I'll keep hunting for good mods for Skyrim and hope for the best, at least, for now :)

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Well Dark Souls is CERTAINLY an unforgiving game, if you don't like brutal then yeah; best to steer clear though --- to be honest...


If you really get bored, do consider this: Get Dark Souls + a cheat trainer + stay in offline mode, can link you to one if need be if you PM me - in case I don't check this thread again 3;


From there theres a few things to keep in mind, memorize the controls and consider spending half an hour to an hour reading the manual and testing the controls out to get a feel for them, they ARE functional by default, just rough to get used to. Once you've done that, create a character you really want and cheat for inf health to get past the tutorial area if you can't do it otherwise, get to the 'real' first zone and cheat for 999999 souls and level up your character to 300+ .. something along the lines of 50 in all stats to start, you will still be killable but it'll be more Skyrim / Darksiders difficulty. Eventually scale up to 75 if things get to rough, 100 and it'll be a breeze, you'll still be killable regardless, but only if your just utterly wreckless.


Fun game, I tell you. I use a keyboard and mouse myself and while the story isn't exactly enthralling, the combat and exploration IS, multiplayer is epic but only if you can handle the abuse, so at least your first go just stay offline-mode profile and if you find you LOVE it by then you'll know the enemy patterns and stand a real chance of survival. Even better, death isn't exactly the worst thing in the world. You die, you lose your humanity (You use humanity for three things, one to look human, one to kindle fires for more potions when you rest at them, and for higher loot chances between 1-10 humanitys) and your souls. But you don't actually lose them, they are in a green pile where you died, if you can get back to them without dying, you get it all back.


Regardless, denying yourself Darksouls because it's to rough would be a shame, it's one where cheating to make the game more 'fair' if need be, is good for the experience until your ready to play multiplayer.

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There Is no spell creation mod. There is no good attributes mod, or anything I said. I didn't say anything about brutal. Wouldn't play a DS game for RPing, as it is shite for it.



Good. There is another (or two) but I don't want to search for it, regardless that one looks about as polished as you can get. One I recall revamped starting races, perks, ect.. it was also quite complex. Not my thing, though.



Degradation for weapons, actually has been made but is presently in a BETA stage; sometime soon you'll have your weapon and armor durability if your into that sort of thing, though I could swear there was one that already functioned but couldn't repair.. ah well, maybe something else. Best I could find in two minutes of searching. If you support this sort of thing, beta test it; help him where you can. :D


Brutal+RP = Preference. I prefer it. :ohdear:


Also, keep tabs on the mod Skywind (makers of Morroblivion) :D in regards to spellcrafting, but your right about that; that is one thing yet to really be created.. or at least I couldn't find it, imagine I got it mixed up with Midas Spells or .. no I think it was Tytanis that I recall and it was 'in the works' but suppose they haven't done it, though morrowind spells among all sorts of new ones have been made; including one that allows you to pre-set two mods to cast together in one hand, so you could technically cast four at once, which is actually very much in line with creating a spell of your own; but not nearly as well as Morrowind would allow.. and no matter how you slice it, that'll be a rough one to balance. Ah Skywind.. how I hope thee come soon anyhow, but alas.. 3-8 months longer I imagine, before a good stable release.

Edited by Satorinu
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