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My mod, it's gone!


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:( I logged out for a couple of months and logged back in to find my Thieves Guild mod in which I totally remodeled the Cistern Vault room into a sweet Guildmaster's pad with full crafting gear and a backdoor is GONE.


But why? People liked that mod :facepalm:


What happened to all the mods in general? A lot of them seem to have gone missing.

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In fact, in that info under your login name, it says:


Joined: Today, 08:39 AM


I would be a little surprised if your mod from a couple of months ago was still here.


Thank you for that, I needed it.


If you got banned for some reason, your mod would be gone too (i think).

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Sorry I had to create a new account to use the Nexus Mod Manager because I had temporarily lost access to this one (forgotten the name).


The mod was Thieves Guild Enhanced - Guildmaster Vault

It changed the vault room into a really nice room, with several custom containers, a full compliment of crafting gear, and a back door through a well added behind the stables outside Riften (with two keys, just in case the front door ever wound up locked).


It also added a smelter to the training room, and a few other items.


I worked really hard on it :(


Actually scratch that, it just wasn't showing up for some reason when I ran a search. It's showing up now.

Edited by VforValence
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