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Collision meshes does this seem the right method


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I need help or a very good tutorial about how to do spot on collision meshes for models .

ias you can see i have some tents i want to add to skyrim but i also want them to work as they should so the player can enter but not pass through, so far i am using this method and settings below but i am not able to get it working in a nilf file http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/7262/tentqz.jpg

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Firstly, the collision shape looks way too high poly, unless your character interacts with this environment on the scale that a small rodent might. Those semi circle flaps... especially when they are backed right up on the side of the tent like that should be at most a covered by extending that polygon above them. etc.


Well anyway..


*as an experiment >clone then open up meshes\clutter\coffins\nordiccoffinstatic03.nif in nifskope. with the cloned mesh rclick the bhkNiTriStripsShape>havok> pack strips.


Now go into the CK, drop both of them in as statics, and see how the collision works. If both work then all is good. If neither works, you're f***ed,* if the first unedited nif works, then you can get custom collision into game but in a highly unoptimised fashion. So save your max scenes to potentially reexport when the exporters get updated to convert to bhkCompressedMeshShape, or a nifskope spell can do it etc. because that collision format is rather s*** and a levels worth of it will probably easily drop 10fps off any PC. for now, an object here and there won't be an issue though


*you can get convex vertice shapes working for sure. Just that bhkCompressedMeshShape is impossible right now, the data is too different to hack anything usable, so if the other shapes don't work then you have limited options.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Firstly thak you for your reply even if it does confuse the hell outta me :(

but i have taken your advice onboard about the collision mesh being to high poly still so used the proOptimizer and took it as low as i could and cut the rest off




i dont use the havok modifiers in my modifier list i just used the bhkrigidbody modifier to originally create the mesh as i saw this in a vid but not sure if its right.


Question: can any mesh be used as a collision mesh or does there have to be something special about it?

at this stage im not really sure how i should be going about exporting a collision mesh or even if it should be done as a separate file of with the actual model itself

pls feel free to enlighten.

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