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Any chance the next Fallout could be released for the Wii U?


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I've never really been concerned about seeing the Fallout games on a Nintendo system but I feel the next Fallout could be an interesting experience on the Wii U, every time I see that tablet controller I see a Pip-Boy waiting to be used. Being able to treat the controller as a Pip-Boy would get rid of those temporary pauses that come when you want to switch items or replenish health, and since the gamepad has speakers in it it could also be used to play radio stations. Also, the Wii U discs will hold 25 GB of memory, so there shouldn't be any problems making the game compatible with the system. What do you all think?
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doubt it. i dont think the Wii U will have that hardware to run a Bethesda game. and if they do put it on there, it would severely hinder the game on the other three systems. PC already being hindered by console, nvm an even worse console (hardware wise).


but ya. i dont see it, or any Bethesda game every going to a Nintendo system, at least not as long as they try to keep it a family console.

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That's not very likely, considering neither Fallout 3 or NV were ported to the original Wii. There's no precedent, and there's virtually no margin for profit considering the Fallouts are edgy and Nintendo keeps making family/10+ consoles.
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doubt it. i dont think the Wii U will have that hardware to run a Bethesda game. and if they do put it on there, it would severely hinder the game on the other three systems. PC already being hindered by console, nvm an even worse console (hardware wise).


but ya. i dont see it, or any Bethesda game every going to a Nintendo system, at least not as long as they try to keep it a family console.


It sincerely disappoints me to read this. Really it just tells me you haven't read too much about the Wii U if you think it couldn't run a Bethesda game, considering the hardware on it is already better than current gen consoles (I have no doubts that the next gen ones will be better hardware wise than the Wii U.) For one it has around double the RAM.


I think that there's a 50-50 chance of it going to the Wii U just because as a company Bethesda is still out to get money, and the more systems it's on the larger the profit could potentially be. That said, I could see a delay in the release date if they did due to having to be compatible with the game pad. Unless they hired another team or something to do that.



Now, I'm not a fanboy of any console. I just like all of them (I literally have at least one of the "Big 3" consoles along with the decent computer I have here). I personally don't really like many of the exclusives the PS3 has though, but I still use it for blu-rays and to play the collections of Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank or something. My Wii hasn't been touched in a long time either, since I finished Hero Mode 100% on Skyward Sword and then did a third playthrough to have a 100%'d save on the normal difficulty.


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I think that there's a 50-50 chance of it going to the Wii U just because as a company Bethesda is still out to get money, and the more systems it's on the larger the profit could potentially be.


Or the larger the loss they could take... If it was truly as simple as more platforms=more money, nothing would be exclusive. As things are exclusive, you can bet a lot more thought goes into it than "more platforms=more players=more money".


You know why the most graphically heavy hitting games are exclusives? Whether it's The Witcher 2, Crysis 1, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, Gears of War 3, Uncharted 1-3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Dragon's Dogma, etc... Exclusives respectively usually have the best graphics and optimization of their system, because developers aren't splitting their team, their time, and their money. Notable exceptions are Metro Last Light and Crysis 3, but that's just because those were made for the PC first and developers threw every asset they could at them with little regard for optimization, just figuring PCs are strong enough to handle the inefficiency.


Another platform means more expenses, and more development time that could have been used to make the game better simply eaten by the port. In addition, the Wii does not support certain engines, I've no idea if it supports the Creation Engine. If they were doing a port, they might need to modify their engine, which would take more time and lead to more bugs as the developers wouldn't be as familiar with the software.


Then there are hardware concerns. The Wii U is marginally ahead of the PS3, but it's untold miles behind the PS4. If the game was made for the PS4 or even the Xbone, chances are the core assets simply would not run effectively on the Wii U. That would mean remaking large chunks of the game, which is another waste of time and money.


Finally, after all the delays and expenses of making a port for the first time for a weak system, you have to realize that mostly kids and families use the Wii U. Fallout 4 on the Wii U wouldn't sell very well to soccer moms and young children, with its emphasis on rape, slavery, drugs, theft, murder, gore explosions, diseases, cannibalism, torture, and torture rape.


Bethesda could sink double the money into the Wii U version than they would for any other system, and if they made any money back at all, it wouldn't be much. Most people who would want to play Fallout 4 already have a stronger system, whether it's a PS4 or PC. They wouldn't shell out extra money for a version on the Wii U with weaker graphics and clunky controls.


And that's even assuming that Microsoft doesn't pay Bethesda specifically not to do a Wii U version. They're in competition with Nintendo for the North American market and Fallout 3/NV were flagship games for the 360 (despite not being exclusives). Microsoft already pays to get DLC first on the Xbone/360.

Edited by Rennn
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