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Neck & Body missmatch


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I've been trying to make Eyja with matching neck and body colours.

The Default Eyja.


So I created a new player character to use as Eyja, the neck and body don't look too bad.





I used Wrye Bash to import the face from the saved game to a new .esp

Then just copied and pasted the the face to Eyja.


But even though the settings for all the texture sliders are identical, the colour of the Eyja preview never changed.

And in game, the new Eyja neck is just the same as the original.


Why aren't the colours changing to that of the exported save character?

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Just in case someone stumbles onto this in future with the same problem, the solution was twofold.

First the only reason the "default" Eyja was so bad, was I had installed the .etg's from body seam reducer.

It makes it easier to create a player character with matching neck and body colours, but buggers the NPC's.

Just removing the mod made the default Eyja's neck and body match OK.

The problem of the texture sliders having no effect was on account of the NPC's all having individual .dds files

Replacing the .dds with a blank one, as described here by Budong https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/29731-editing-face-textures-on-npcs/page-2

allows you to edit the NPC's default colours in the TES Construction Set.


Edited by olnorton
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