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An Illusion Spell Mod


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Alright, so, I decided I would finally get into modding. Used to do a bit in Morrowind and Oblivion, but not much.


One of the things that irks me about Skyrim is how nerfed Illusion is. Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, all have great viability throughout the game. Illusion, though, doesn't really get to that dominant level until you pretty much max out the tree (and even then, it has no way to finish off that one last enemy, typically).


So, here's what I've got so far. Just ideas. I'd like to hear some input on spell ideas, as well as any suggestions you have on implementation.


Change faction (change someone to fight for you for 30 seconds)

Greater change faction (causes someone to permanently join your side - like dead thrall - would be a master level spell)


Migraine (causes enemy to drop down in perceived pain for 10 seconds) - would set the low-health state without actually having low health.

Greater migraine (causes a group of enemies to drop in pain for 10 seconds, master level)


Schyzophenia (Summons a large number of spectral enemies that do no damage) - inspired by enemies that summon duplicates.


Brain burst (lower level enemies have a chance of dying instantly, master level)


Harmless (causes you to be perceived as a non-threat to all enemies for 30 seconds) - was thinking of seeing if I could set faction state to that of a chicken. Not sure how it would work.


Also, I was thinking of adding a series of spells that cause health drain, operating on the principle that when people let themselves feel sick without having positive thoughts, they get worse. Thinking 4 levels - hypochondria, greater hypochondria, dire hypochondria, and deathwish. Names need some work.


Another idea I just had was something that causes them to lose their grip on their weapon.


What does everybody think?

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All those ideas sounds great! I would love some useful spells in that school and those sound like something I'd want to try out!.


This one probably fits better in Alteration then Illusion, but I'd like to see a spell that would spread out damage on on my entourage instead of having my archer at 100% life all the time while I waste health pots. You could call that spell Synergy...

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Yeah, I also feel that the illusion spells are somehow lacking. Your ideas are interesting, but personally the greatest problem with illusion spells is not what they do but how they apply the effect on target. You see, I would like to see effects applied by thoughts alone (even without line of sight) and not by some projectiles fired from hands. I can and Im going to do it at one point. I even have a ready method to do so. I just need the new spells. Ofcourse I can do them myself, but since you have such interesting ideas .............. If you are interesting let me know. Be advise though. I would like to make them some kind of druid spells that can be used only by the living and only on the living via some kind of connection between live beeings.
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