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Guild Wars 2: Some questions


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So I've been thinking of picking up GW2 because quite frankly the other MMOs around at the moment are either overated crap or crap, or pay-to-win-crap. Basically a lot of crap. GW2 on the surface looks good, but I have a few concerns-primarily that the original was absolutely abysmal outside of PVP, and that I tend not to be very good with JRPGs, let alone JMMOs.


My main questions are; what's the community like, whats the lag/reliability like, is there pay to win, and is PVP mandatory/involuntary. Or to rephrase; could I go the whole game being a PVE mysanthropy due to a deeply rooted hatred of MMOPVP?

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The community as a majority is really nice, I haven't encountered anyone who wasn't. Pretty much everyone will help you if you need help. I haven't had any problems with lag due to connection or problems on their end(I lag because my FPS drops, that's my processor though). There is no pay to win, the only things you can buy are aesthetic. Well there are special repair kits, salvage kits, and boosters, but they aren't limited to having to be bought and really aren't going to do anything you can't do somewhere else. You earn them occasionally as a reward. PvP is completely up to you, people can't just randomly attack you. The World vs World is fun, I tried it the other day.

And there is a lot to explore. Be careful of edges... I've fallen off a few... Okay a lot.


One thing, and this might just be me, but I did everything in the starting areas (the big city and the actual starting area, and I went to another place and fully explored it) for me, and once my main story reached the second area I was behind two levels. Then I fell behind three (because I made it past the part I was behind two). Now I'm exploring other starting areas. Its still fun, but you can't easily continue unless your willing to do some things like that. I keep forgetting to use the experience booster I got though, so that might be why I'm a little behind.

Edited by K00L
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the community has been fine with me too. ive asked some questions and theyve answered. they revive me if they can (because they get XP for it) yea. no complaining or whining or bad talk seen in the chat so far from me.


as far as lag goes. ive gotten a little. there have been a couple times where ill be frozen still and cant do anything for a few seconds. and occasionally still when i freeze for a few seconds, ill get disconnected from the server. its happened a few times, but honestly, it doesnt bother me.


as K00L said there is no pay to win. you can buy boosts, i guess thats the closest thing you can consider a pay to win thing. for example, one boost gives 50% extra XP for kills for an hour. but honestly its not even a big deal. you dont get too much XP from kills anyways. you get them from completing events and stuff so the extra XP you get from kills doesnt even matter because its not all that much to begin with. there are also boosts for crafting (getting extra XP) and there is another where you get 100% extra XP for every kill for 30 seconds, and ever kill prolongs the duration. kind of a kill streak reward, but 30 second boost for like $1.50 seems kinda steep. also, these boosts can be found in the world as rewards for completing quests.


as for PvP its optional as said. the cool thing though is if you do do PvP, you are automatically leveled up to level 80. so everyone is on equal terms and it just comes down to who is better. i also dont like PvP, really in any game. im only level 15 atm, but i havent touched PvP. WvW does sound fun though.

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Yeah I actually just had that lag you mentioned. My person just stopped responding, but it wasn't very long.
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yea. with this many people at launch, im not surprised by the little bit of lag i get. i play on a wireless laptop so the fact im only getting that little bit of lag is actually quite surprising. once the launch calamity dies down and/or they add a few more servers and throw up some patches, the lag will be non existent. and it really already is.
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