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Teaching Followers Shouts (And other Stuff)


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Hey guys, I want to know the console codes to teach Words of Power (Shouting) to my follower Sanguine (Obtained through console)


If it is possible, what are the commands to teach the Words of Power "Yol" (Fire Breath) "Lis" (Ice Form) and Krii (Marked for Death) to a follower


I'd be very grateful if you answered with the correct codes (Test please!) and if you possibly can, if there is a Time Meter regarding shouts like players or whether it is unlimited like the Greybeards.



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  • 5 years later...

I'll tell you up front that shouting followers are more trouble than they are worth, more often then not they usually end up friendly-firing you (because they are always behind you). I know, I've tried.


AFAIK, it isn't possible to console shouts onto NPCs; all the console commands for that only apply to the player. Which means you will have to use TESVEdit or the CK to add them to her, which really isn't all that difficult to do. If you can't figure it out, google is your friend, or you can try posting back here.


Good luck!

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