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Property Tax


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I would just like to request (if it already hasn't been requested) a mod that adds tax to all of the vanilla player homes. I played around with a few mods back in Oblivion that implemented these features, and I must say that it enhanced my immersion 10 fold. It was so cool and interesting to have to keep up with how much money you have per month to pay your taxes and avoid getting hauled off to jail, or tax collectors coming out to bust your chops with fees and so on. It really made me feel apart of the world, and above all, made me feel like I was a real citizen that owned property and must make his/her contribution to society and so forth.


This, I think, would be a wonderful addition to the game. If there is already an author out there working on a mod like this, if not better, then please keep it up and I can't wait to see your work!



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Indeed. I love the idea of actually having to pay property tax and all. I have always been in love with the idea since Oblivion and have ever since wished that it could be apart of Skyrim. One day, I am sure that it will come along. There are already some mods out there that deal with economics in skyrim, so maybe one of those authors will implement this as a future feature their mod. We can only hope.



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not a bad idea, may be not only property tax, but some other random taxes

like... tax for wolve-hunt / fixing smth / other purposes

and they will be randomly generated with different chances, may happen or not. Some kind of unpredictible...

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I can see the idea of adding an actual tax system to ALL of Skyrims goods. Also, another interesting thing that can be done is tax variations based on what's going on in the world. If you take Economics of Skyrim, for example (wonderful mod), it adds different values to different items based on where you are in the world. A piece of treasure could be worth more in Marcarth than in Whiterun, so if you take that global logic that that Economics of Skyrim implements, then add on a tax system that changes based on the location of a city, it's condition, i.e poor or wealthy, and what in Skyrim is going on. For example: Say you are doing the Civil War quest line, and you join the Stormcloaks. Once things really start getting underway, Ulfric may decide to raise taxes on all goods and services to try and raise more money to fund his armies, and supply his fortresses, which in turn would cause prices to go up, which means less people will buy there, so there will be a drop in certain items that can be bought there, i.e before the war started, the blacksmith sold some ebony ingots, but once the war is in full sway, those items are completely gone because the blacksmith can't afford buying higher-end materials due to the raise in tax. Not only does this effect merchants and all other services, but it also would affect how much per month you pay tax on your home! So, to me at least, it all weaves together perfectly.
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True, Economics of skyrim is great, and what you say fits perfectly, but its a huge project.

How about taxes for having a horse ? like transport tax ?))))

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True, Economics of skyrim is great, and what you say fits perfectly, but its a huge project.

How about taxes for having a horse ? like transport tax ?))))


Yes, even though the idea is good, it would take a lot of hard work to implement something like this. But, I am sure that there is an author out there with plenty of talent to do such a thing. There may be some features that are impossible, due to popyrus, that will have to go, and some that could work. I can only hope.


Yes, there would be an increase tax on travel as well based on what's going on within the world.

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