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A War Cat and Rings


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I don't know if this is possible, but could someone make a new animal companion, namely a war cat, along the lines of Diego from Ice Age movies. Or has someone already done so for themselves and just needs encouragement to share. I like the dog, but I'm really a cat person, and cats fight just as well as dogs. It would be cool to have this option as well as the dog. Could have both in the group. Suggestions as where it could be found are "In the wilds or like dog on the road to Lothering" or whereever. It could have roar as a fighting skill and snarl, rip tear and shred. Another suggestion is a dragonling as a companion. But like I said I don't know if this is possible.

Also could the "Rings of Study and the Keepers Rings" be made more powerful. Duncan says it's a valuable gift when the keeper gives it in the Dalish Origin, but it has so little that I get other rings as soon as possible. If it was so valuable wouldn't it be better if it had more stats, that would make for keeping it a bit longer, same with the ring of Study from the Tower. Thanks for your trouble. I hope these can be done. It would be really cool too. Again thanks.

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  • 4 months later...

I would also like to second the request for a cat mod. I know there really aren't cat models in the game as of now, but it'd be cool to have a panther or something, to really put those ugly mabari in their place ;)


Alternately, maybe someone could modify the ELF pet mod to replace the dog lol. I'd download a mod that gave me a siamese kitty that could take on werewolves and dragons.


I also second the request for a dragonling mod. I know squat about modding, but considering we have mods that let you shapeshift into dragons, hopefully it wouldn't take too much work to replace Dog with a dragonling.

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As ThingTheWiz has said you can get a dragonling companion from the Dark Times mod. I haven't done so yet as I've been having computer troubles and don't want to add anymore playable mods at the moment. I've actually taken quite a few off, to try and stop my problems from occuring. Also to concentrate on Romancing Rory et al. I have yet to get the first night Ser Gilmore to activate, so I won't do playable mods like Dark Times yet. Still it would be nice if someone could just turn the dog's file into a Sabertooth like Diego from Ice Age, as they have similar builds. Thaknk you to all modders for the time and effort you all put in to making your various mods. They are much appreciated. :smile:
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