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I was wondering what makes a political success as presidency


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No matter what happens on election day, I wonder if President Obama, will be looked back upon with the same reverence as they do President Clinton is now by the left President Regan by the right?


What I wonder is if any of these men will be remembered in a greater or lesser degree because of who they are or were or the situation they found themselves upon reaching the presidency? If president Obama and president Clinton's timelines was reversed would President Clinton be asking President Obama to speak in his behalf and would President Regan would be the savior of the right if he were alive today and the presently the President?


I don't really care if you love or hate any of these men. I was wondering if these men or any historic figure was a success or failure because of the situation they were in, who they were as people or the how they were portrayed?

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To me its not about who will make the best or greatest pressident.


Any Canidate can become a great pressident.


The huge problem these days I feel is one political party tends to seem more logical than the other.


In a democracy if you dont have two healthy oppositional parties competing for power, ussually Politics then resorts to lies and bashing more from either one or both sides instead of focusing on the main issues and trying to help the country.


Success these days IMO for an american presidency is just not running the country into the ground. lol

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In order to be remembered as a "great" President, requires a certain degree of luck, in the sense that a President can not demonstrate his "greatness", unless world/domestic events around his Presidency allow him to opportunity to do noteworthy things during his term/terms. George Washington just happened to be around when the role of President was created, Woodrow Wilson was in office when WW1 was kicking off, and Roosevelt was the incumbent when the US got involved in WW2 etc. Perhaps if a "lesser" President such as Jimmy Carter was in office, when those major world events occurred, that he might now be remembered as a "great" President.

From my own british point of view, and not knowing all that many Presidents, (although perhaps only a great President is known outside of the US) I would say JFK was the President whom I have most respect for, with Eisenhower a close second.

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