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2012 what are you doing about it?


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Alright folks-

Are we going down according to that calendar? It's an election year in the U.S., Greece, Britain, Spain... Europe is in economic flames. Continuous wars everywhere... WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO!!? Just keep on going in micro bubble lives as you have been brought up to do? Fight, grab hope and CREATE CHANGE! :armscrossed anybody care to debate?

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anybody care to debate?


No. The Mayans calender ends there, just like our calender for 2011 ended in January of 2012. Thing is, they're not around to make another one. It's not the end of the world and I'd be willing to bet on December 22nd we'll have a new 'end of the world' day.

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Got to concur. Not much to debate about. There's nothing conclusive about the Mayan calendar. Though, we do have a multitude of important events happening around 2012. Though, will there be the end? No. Will there be an end...yes. A lot of cultural, political, governmental and economical changes are happening now-a-days.


Culturally, it's going to evolve as it always does. Governmentally, more wars are progressing. Like in Syria. Politically, multiple elections are happening. Economically, the US officially hit a debt of 16 trillion dollars yesterday. And, the debt ceiling is at 16.4. And, with the euro-zone crisis still going on to a certain extent. So, if anything, it's the beginning of a new world. Where economies falls and others prosper. I don't really get people putting a massive hyperbole on "the". Like I said, if an end happens, it's a beginning of something else.

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Wouldn't it be ironic if the world ends at the end of december because of global warming.


If this is the case then the world will end indirrectly by man. lol


Not trying to say global warming isnt a huge problem. I really doubt the world will end after this year but at the rate some people ignore the problem or say global warming is a hoax and don't believe it exist. We won't be far from needing to build huges boats to live in for years. lol


Very strange how Politicians and people won't even listen to a vast majority of Scientologist claiming the ice caps are melting and doing so at a rapid rate.

Edited by colourwheel
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Thanks Folks,

I believe in all that you've mentioned myself. Seriously though, we here are going to start our own businesses. From IT management to basic grammar 101 lessons. We will do our best to set example of "Create change, lest you be created by it" despite all else. It is the only way we all can win against oppression of all forms. Individuality, learned comprehension and cooperative

"against all in power who would spend their lives doing the things they said they would not do" understanding. I ask again...what are you going to do? I do thank you folks for your idea's and your individualism, it is still a worldwide belief. :yes:


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Nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. I’m going to be happy, have fun and carry on with my life and do the best I can.


Wars, economic melt downs, lousy politicians, greed and corruption – they have existed since humans have existed and such things come and they go. That’s just the way life is and if no one has been able to change the way life is in 50,000 years – I doubt anything I do is going to have much impact.


And really, there is a lot more good than bad happening and many more “good” people than "evil" and even if there is a collapse of some sort in the future, I know people will pick themselves up, dust themselves off and get busy getting on with their life and making things better. Life in the past has been better than it currently is, but it has also been a lot worse and guess what? People are still here, and life goes on so I’m not going to get my self all worked up with worry and fear. As already mentioned in the thread, if there is an ending somewhere, it’s also a new beginning and most likely for something better.

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ahh.. Ghogiel,

but yet you have responded to a complete stranger who is not living comfortably. You have affected someone... me. Can you not reply to an idiot politian or businessman in power and have affect? It only takes one to affect. Are you comfortable knowing that these people who are in control and will affect your life? What will you do?

Much respect,


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Thank you Tidus

Being happy can take a lot of work does it not? How are you going to accomplish this? While the aristocrats and politians continue to erode away the very happiness that you would provide yourself and yours? btw- You can shoot a rifle and a pistol at the same time with the reins in your teeth.. I have done it. I say let them fill their hands. Hail to the Duke. What shall you do?

with respect


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to you Ivegon,

Thank you. Culturally it will continue yet the wars, poverty and hunger can surely be done away with. It is 2012 and yet we still put up with and provide the means while we say its still just going to happen. Where is your voice really? C'mon get up! What are you going to do? Ivegon... really like the name. I am an expert at that also.

due respect


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