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Light or Heavy Armor?


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I have to admit, I like Light Armor even for mage builds mainly because of the Unhindered perk (available at 50). This makes your armor weigh less than the usual mage robes and boots. Light Armor makes sense for Nords (because they have racial bonuses in that skill). The only time I bother with Heavy is on my Orcs and Imperials (who get racial bonuses for Heavy).
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Really, really depends on the character I'm playing as. I'm currently playing a Heavy Armor using, sword and board wielding warrior woman. I've reached the point where I'm essentially invulnerable. Once you get there, it's sort of this awesome feeling, that you don't have to wonder, am I going to survive? It's just a matter of wading in and blowing through the enemy. The worst they can do is easily regenerated without the need for potions of any kind. She's even a Nord, so there's no Orc Berserk Trickery.


On the other hand, I've played a number of stealthy light armor wearing assassin types. The kind of characters who never really need to smith their armor because they almost never get hit. And if they do get into combat, light armor means they remain hyper mobile and can evade the big slow attacks that a heavy armor user will have to try and absorb. That said, I've also had great fun playing a light armor sword and board, using block to absorb what I can't dodge and dodging the big slow attacks that I shouldn't try to absorb. Blocking goes up very quickly.


Finally, I use Balanced Magic, which re-institutes the armor penalty for magic use, so my mages are all cloth users. Of course, I also use Midas Magic, so mostly they never get close.


The only armor affecting mod I use, aside Balanced Magic, is one that raises the armor cap to 90 instead of 80. Might not seem like much, but those ten points make a world of difference.


Plus it's fun to play as the different types of characters. light armor characters tend to be more aware of their enemies, because you feel less protected. Heavy Armor users feel much safer, because they can simply absorb their enemies attacks. Consider the early game, when you can blitz the light armor wearers without much issue, but the first time you run into someone in a full set of heavy armor, probably the tower near Bleak Falls Barrow, you're suddenly working much harder to do damage while not dying yourself. (The Imperial captain in the Stormcloak exit doesn't count because you have a companion who will distract and terminate her if you don't do it fast enough.

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I always use heavy armor for my male fighters. I love the iron and steel versions, which I often use even on high levels. Not a fan of daedric, dragonbone and dwemer though, as I think they look ridiculous on anything but boss-enemies.


Female fighters always get light armor though, as they look a lot better in tight leather. But mostly my female characters are mages who wear regular clothes/robes.

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I always use heavy armor for my male fighters. I love the iron and steel versions, which I often use even on high levels. Not a fan of daedric, dragonbone and dwemer though, as I think they look ridiculous on anything but boss-enemies.


Female fighters always get light armor though, as they look a lot better in tight leather. But mostly my female characters are mages who wear regular clothes/robes.


"WELCOME TO LEVEL TEN! From this point on, all armor you find will look ridiculous or you'll already be wearing it! Enjoy!"


I have to disagree though about eh heavy armor females... Petite imperial gal in some steel armor with a hood. Kind of attractive in my opinion. Khajiit's on the other hand... I love them to death but the poor guys look ridiculous in almost any armor. What with their fur poking out everywhere. :wub: I love the guys though. To this day I have not killed a Khajiit.

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I'll use light armor until about 15th level then switch to a nice clothing outfit. I just adore the "Noble Female Clothes Non-replacer" mod. It, with a few other things is just perfect for the "I'm about to make your bad day official" character.




I don't use Blacksmithing or Enchanting, but only because it makes the game harder. I play on Master with Deadly Dragons and intense Difficulty. Only modded weapons that replicate vanilla stats are used. I also use a few (unenchanted) jewelry mods. The only enchanted items I use are ones that (again replicate vanilla stats) I find or purchase.

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"WELCOME TO LEVEL TEN! From this point on, all armor you find will look ridiculous or you'll already be wearing it! Enjoy!"


Heh, yea it's too bad there aren't any more iron or steel for high levels, except possibly the Companions slightly better version, but oh well I dont care much for leveled gear or enchants anyway. It just makes the game too easy in the long run. I rather wear whatever I feel fits my character, not the best, and variate with capes, hoods/masks and shields. If I would want something else there are a bunch of great matching alternatives to steel and iron to download from here ;)

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I use heavy armor but I use a lot of archery, namely crossbow. Stealth attacks with crossbow are still very effective, and once I get noticed I switch to sword and shield and tank with my heavy armor. Plus, I think heavy armor looks much cooler. I personally think steel plate armor is the best looking apparel in the game, so I stick to it.
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