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Mod advices for full Skyrim experience


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Hmm, never really had any trouble with Deadly Dragons myself. Did you run BOSS for your load order? That makes a BIG difference.


BOSS ? I just run skyrim with SKSE, but I don't know what you're talking about ...


EDIT : Ok, I saw the Install Readme and Installed BOSS in the Skyrim directory, but it's not recognized by NMM so it doesn't work...

This is quite complicated, how can I make the ESP file recognized in the Plugin section ?

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BOSS is an independent programme that sorts out load order. The way i do it is download and install mod via NMM, then run BOSS to sort out order and manually sort out the esps's. The I run Wyre Bash to update Bashed Patch if needed then I run the game via NMM using the SKSE option
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The others are right that BOSS will sort out a lot of Conflicts or Issues that you have with your mods. I've personally been building up a fairly detailed mod list for my next play through so I'll post it here for you:


Gameplay and World:


Skyrim Redone

Deadly Dragons

Skyrim Monster Mod

Warzones of Skyrim

Interesting NPC's




Apocalypse Spell Package

Psijic Teleportation Spells

Better staff of Magnus

Staff of Magnus absorb fix




Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Stronger Daedric Artifacts

Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Followers Can Relax

Spouses can live anywhere

Better Quest Objectives


Reduced Shout Cooldowns

Better Quality Roadmaps


Graphical Mods:

Skyrim 2k HD (LITE textures, you won't need full)

Pure water

Better NPC clothing

Skyrim Flora Overhaul




Realistic Lighting with customisation


Better Dynamic Snow


Automatic Variants

Detailed Bodies

Detailed Faces

Detailed Eyes

Detailed Lips

Better females

No More Blocky Faces

Millenia Weapon Retextures

Realistic Ragdolls and force


Phew .... sorry about such a long list.


A few notes:


- I know you said you weren't interested in graphical mods, but if you have the computer for them they can really add to the immersion of the game.

- With this many Mods you would definitely need to Run BOSS to sort load order, and be careful to take the time and read the installation instructions for individual mods. The authors

know what they're talking about and can save you a lot of headaches.

- I haven't personally play tested this setup, so I cannot vouch for it actually working. Most of them doubtless will, but you're also bound to run into a few conflicts. For example,

Skyrim redone is a large gameplay overhaul and may not play nice with the others. You could perhaps look into ACE otherwise.

- A few of these mods (notably ASIS) require SkyProc, which is dead simple, but something to be aware of.


- In my experience, to get the most of the game on a second playthrough you should force yourself to play on the hardest difficulty you can bear to. Also I would set frostfall to disable fast travelling. The Psijic Teleportation Spells gives you an endgame spell alternative (but its VERY magicka intensive) but just straight fast travelling everywhere really breaks the game experience in some cases. Use horse-carts if you need to. You can also set the default mode of movement to walking (I believe you can also increase the base speed of walking as otherwise its just a little TOO slow, I'll look up the commands for you).


- Lastly, I would write a small backstory for your character before you play. Set up a character, that kind of thing. It sounds stupid but that can be really additive.


I hope thats been a help!

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BOSS is essential, IMO, and easy to use. Just download to your desktop and run it as a separate program.

I also never had problems with Deadly Dragons, though I am not using it this playthrough. I've played through 6 or 7 times.

I am using the SkyRe mods for the first time this playthrough and it makes a huge difference in how the game feels--it changes crafting, combat, leveling...I'd almost say hold off of a few more playthoughs so you have something to look forward to. :-)


If you are wanting to really enjoy playing though, I do recommend that you take the time to read through the description, readme, and discussion pages of each mod that you decide to try, and install exactly according to the mod author's instructions, then run Boss and play through a while before adding the next. Almost any problem you might encounter can be avoided in this way, and those that are not, the cause can be quickly identified and therefore quickly solved.

If you haven't you would probably find Bben's Help blog useful.

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I have to admit that I set up a bit too fast my mod database and didn't take the time to read all the mods documentation.

I'll add the complete mod list of TheUninvitedGuest and read carefully the requirements and howto concerning BOSS...


I'm quite interested about a full experience according to disable fast travel and get a background story like we do in dungeons&dragons board games, as to set the difficulty to the max. Thing is that I really got the first time a huge problem starting as a caster against my first dragon, and I should then play taking into consideration the Strenghts and weaknesses of each playstyle, even though I don't really know them ...


Once again I'm really open for any other advice that would increase my second play of Skyrim, as this could help any other player decided to do the same as me :-)

For your time and your consideration, Thank you very much I really appreciate it !!

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