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Negative Rep Mod Author


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Negative reputation given to a post serves only "one" purpose, hiding it when it gets 5 of them.

Hiding a mod author's replies in his or her own comments section serves exactly "no" purpose.


Negative reputation is no "I disagree" or "I don't like what you wrote" and especially no "I hate the very thing you are, thus I down-rep all of your posts" measure and received far too much abuse in the past. It's become a means of anonymous, and as such ban-free, trolling and the damage far outweighs the advantages.


Last I heard, it'll be gone for good in its entirety soon.

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If it goes, how will premium members or supporters hide nasty comments on our mods, or will there be a new system for that?


Regardless, I feel no loss losing the rep system.


This is a good question, I use it to bury idiot posts, is something going to replace this?

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From what I read, this ability for Premium members and such will be kept, just the regular down-repping ability, or maybe post reputation itself even, was mentioned to be removed.


But let the staff and devs chime in for the details. They know best what they're going to do.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Kind of a shame the trolls took over the neg-reps since it is rather useful for hiding the truly idiotic, obvious trolling comments. But I have also seen how a good system in theory is being taken advantage of for purely spiteful, childish reasons. I have total faith the Nexus staff will come up with something that still allows the hiding or removal of that drivel without negatively affecting any mod authors.
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You are sitting in a cafe talking to a friend over a contriversial subject, should anyone round-about but in and express their displeasure of that conversation that they are not a party of? I never use the reputation system, it seems to me like butting in.

Someone invents a unique mod. There those who love it and those who don't. It seems like commenters who support it or can't get it to work gets their words taken out of context or get all red. While those who hate or just disagree with the mod gets nothing or all green.

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I don't use the rep system myself and don't see the point to it. Neg-repping to hide a post is counter-productive. When I see that a post is hidden it guarantees that I will read that post, where as had the post not been hidden I would likely have only skimmed over it or not read it at all.
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