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Distubing news...

Shadow of the Fallen

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I find it very disturbing to find the following when making a mod:


"right cloth horny fist bracer"

"right gauntlet of horny fist"

"right horny fist gauntlet"


Yes, they are all item names. And yes, they do all say "horny fist". I find it unsettling that the programmers would put such a thing in their scripting and naming, and further disturbed by the mental pictures of what they must have been doing at the time.


I know you might be thinking that "hey, so he used the word 'horny'. what makes you so immature as to have to bring it up?" But with the variety of words that could have been used instead (spiky, spined, needle, just to name a few) it is odd that they would use that one in particular.


What do YOU think?...

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horn·y Pronunciation (hôrn)

adj. horn·i·er, horn·i·est

Having horns or hornlike projections.

Made of horn or a similar substance.

Tough and calloused: horny skin.


Considering the gauntlets and bracers are made of netch leather, the last definition -tough and calloused- seems perfectly accurate.

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There was a period during Morrowind's development when the programmer's wives went on strike for several weeks since husbands weren't coming back until 1 or 2 in the morning. This must have happened during that period...
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I find the fact that you are uncomfortable with the names unsettling, and that your immature mind would make such a childish connection so quickly and clearly… I agree with Darkh, and there are treatment options for compulsive sexual behavior. Go to this site: Mayo Clinic. ;) ;)
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i reallyu think it was an overlooked mistake. at the time they looked at the bracers, saw horns on them and called 'em horny. what about the Horny Toad. When it was named, do you think someone else had sick things in their minds, no, they saw it had horns, so called it the Horny Toad.
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You all are SOOOOOOO wrong it's pissing me off. lol, j/k. You are actually all wrong about the point of the gaunlet's names. Horny, is not, in this case, depicting horns. It is, indeed, being used for its other mean. Horny is one of the few synonyms for Anxious, thus, Gauntlet of Horny Fist, and it's counterparts, are all in fact implying that you have anxious, or excited fists. Just thought I'd throw my thoughts in, possibly interpreting it much much differently than immature minds lol. (not trying to rip on the immature)


P.S. - It is now officially my job to sound like a 8594 year old dark elf (about 70 in human) in all of my posts. :P

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*clears throat


I believe the names mean (or translate to) 'having horned fists' rather than 'anxious fists'. If the name meant the latter, then why not call the gloves 'Gloves of Restless fists' or 'Right gauntlet of *restless, nervous, tireless, etc* fist'.


My friend, the image that the name 'Right Gauntlet of Horny Fist' is trying to call up is that of a fist with horn-like protrusions upon them, causing the blows landed by said fist to be very painfull. If it were what you sugested, then why would the designers go through all the trouble to name a Gauntlet using a synonym for anxious that is rarely used, why not call it Right Gauntlet of Restless Fist? It seems more fitting if indeed that is what the designers intended for the name of the item to mean.

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