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texture/mesh issues re: mines and caverns


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I noticed that in Dwemer ruins added by the Mines and Caverns mod (and in some other caverns/etc), I'll get these blank spaces where another texture or mesh should be. for the dwemer ruins, is this due to a conflict between Dwemer Rebirth Project or Greater Dwemer Ruins (specifically the tileset)? Is it a load order issue (ex: should i load mines and caverns before GDR; currently mines and caverns is loaded after GDR and DRP) or is it something that might take more manual fiddling around and troubleshooting? it is a little puzzling to me because mines and caverns states to be compatible with GDR+DRP).


interestingly, i don't get any missing texture or mesh warnings whenever i enter a space where this issue occurs. so i'm assuming it's not *missing*, technically? i dunno tho


an example posted here:



(im assuming this blank space should actually be 'in_dwrv_corr2_01' and its corresponding textures as are correctly shown

on the opposite wall)

Edited by katbird
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Do you use Morrowind Plugin Conflict Detector?

i was looking for something like that! i just used it and at least i learned that a lot of what seems to be the problem is from the door entries in mines and caverns. interestingly though those aren't listed as conflicting with any of the other dwarven ruin mods i have. any conflicts any of these mods had were with the morrowind esm itself (and none of them involved door entries). there were a couple potential landscape conflicts that i'm about to check out.

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