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auto consume consumables


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hi, sorry for my bad english,
I looking for a mod to auto-consume like in Skyrim:
but I like it for new vegas,

after I research it, there an item "Auto-inject stimpak",
why we don't use this script to this mod,

I have an idea, this is the idea/concept that I created :
the option in MCM is
- MCM_start_point (in percent), if the player HP under this point the auto consume will start,
- MCM_eat_finished_consumables (checkbox), this option will add all consumables the not ingredients in crafting, like Purified water, gecko kebab, etc
- MCM_eat_raw_consumables (checkbox), this option will add all consumables the not ingredients in crafting, like dirty water, gecko meat, etc
- MCM_using_radaway (checkbox), if it over 20%, consume radaway
and this is the script (warning the last I touch creation kit over years ago, the script probably wrong):

var wait, count;

Event Game.GetPlayer().getdamaged // i dont know what syntax for getdamaged

Event OnUpdate()
While( Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("Health") <= MCM_start_point)
 wait = 0;
 count = 0;
 if Game.GetPlayer().getItemCount(Purified_water) >= 1
   count = 1;
   //if above syntax not exist, i will add it manually
   Game.GetPlayer().ConsumeItem(Purified_water, 1);
 elseif(/*for other consumables, same as above, only diferent kind of item*/)

 if (count == 0){warningbox("you do not have consumables to consume")}
 else {

i don't know if this kind of mod is do-able or not, i hope someone can make it for me

thanks for reading, have a nice day

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Here you go: Auto Consume

thanks for the hardwork on granted my request,

but i very very verv sorry,

i looking for healing player health point(HP), not "healing" player thirsty, hunger, sleepy,

i have foods and drinks items on my inventory,

i rarely using them because it quite hassle,


anyway this is the list of the raw food and drinks

This is list of Cooked Foods and Drinks :
(food or drink name, duration)

Ant meat	,5s
Bighorner steak	,10s
Bitter drink	,18s
Bloatfly slider	,15s
Blood pack	,1s
Brahmin steak	,15s
Brahmin Wellington	,10s
Bubblegum	,1s
Buffalo gourd seed	,2s
Caravan lunch	,15s
Cave fungus	,4s
Cazador egg	,4s
Cook-Cook's Fiend stew	,60s
Coyote steak	,12s
Crispy squirrel bits	,5s
Dandy Boy Apples	,5s
Desert salad	,15s
Dog steak	,10s
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes	,5s
Fire ant egg	,5s
Fire ant fricassée	,60s
Fresh carrot	,7s
Gecko kebab	,40s
Gecko steak	,15s
Giant rat meat	,5s
Grilled mantis	,30s
Human flesh	,5s
Human remains	,5s
Ice cold Nuka-Cola	,20s
Iguana bits	,5s
Iguana-on-a-stick	,12s
Imitation strange meat pie	,5s
Irr. banana yucca	,7s
Irr. barrel cactus	,5s
Irr. crunchy mutfruit	,5s
Irr. Dandy Boy Apples	,5s
Irr. Fancy Lads	,5s
Irr. gecko meat	,5s
Irr. Mac & Cheese	,5s
Irr. Pork n' Beans	,5s
Irr. Potato Crisps	,5s
Irr. Salisbury Steak	,5s
Irr. Sugar Bombs	,7s
Irr. YumYum D. Eggs	,5s
Irradiated Cram	,5s
Irradiated InstaMash	,5s
Irradiated mutfruit	,5s
Irradiated potato	,5s
Irradiated Sunset Sarsaparilla	,25s
Irradiated water	,5s
Junk food	,5s
Lakelurk egg	,5s
Mole rat stew	,30s
Mole rat wonder meat	,10s
Mushroom Cloud	,20s
Nevada agave fruit	,8s
Nightstalker tail	,5s
Noodles	,5s
Nuka-Cola Quartz	,20s
Potato Crisps	,5s
Purified water	,5s
Radroach meat	,5s
Rat meat	,5s
Ruby's casserole	,30s
Salisbury Steak	,5s
Squirrel on a stick	,5s
Squirrel stew	,5s
Strange meat	,5s
Strange meat pie	,5s
Sugar Bombs	,7s
Sunset Sarsaparilla	,25s
Trail mix	,15s
Wasteland omelet	,60s
White horsenettle	,5s
Xander root	,4s
Yao guai meat	,5s
YumYum Deviled Eggs	,5s

And This is list of Raw Foods and Drinks :

Ant egg	,5s
Banana yucca fruit	,7s
Barrel cactus fruit	,5s
Bighorner meat	,15s
BlamCo Mac & Cheese	,5s
Bloatfly meat	,5s
Brahmin meat	,15s
Broc flower	,4s
Coyote meat	,8s
Cram	,5s
Crunchy mutfruit	,5s
Dirty water	,5s
Dog meat	,8s
Fire ant meat	,5s
Fresh apple	,7s
Fresh pear	,7s
Fresh potato	,7s
Gecko meat	,5s
Gum drops	,1s
Honey mesquite pod	,4s
InstaMash	,5s
Jalapeño pepper	,5s
Lakelurk meat	,10s
Maize	,9s
Mole rat meat	,5s
Mutfruit	,5s
Nuka-Cola	,25s
Pinto bean pod	,3s
Pinyon nuts	,5s
Pork n' Beans	,5s
Prickly pear fruit	,10s

that is why i added rawaway, because some food/drink have radiation on it,

if i have this mod, i can fight that cazador more comfortable,

thanks for the hardworks, and sorry for the inconveniences

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Tell me if I'm understanding you properly, you want a mod that automatically consumes food and drink items to regain health?

yes i do,

not to heal thirsty, sleepy and hungry,

do your mod provide this?, i have not test it yet,

to be honest i never test it it, i just read the text config file in my office,

i will test it in my place later

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It does not do that currently, but I can add this feature.

thank for your hardwork,

i really uncomfortable with the misunderstood ,

thanks again


I made the mod because I liked the idea so don't worry about it.

Also just uploaded Auto Consume v1.0.1

If you wanted just the food/drinks/radaway feature and nothing else then your ini file should look like this:



	;DESCRIPTION: Enable/Disable the different health restoring items that are affected by auto consume
	;NOTE: If "bAuto_Consume_Foods_And_Drinks" is enabled, it will adhere to the following INI options: "bAvoid_Negative_Effects" and "sBanned_Items"

	;DESCRIPTION: Auto consume will not heal above the percentage of health listed above
	;OPTIONS: 0 to 100

	;DESCRIPTION: Enable/Disable whether auto consume affects hunger and/or thirst

	;DESCRIPTION: Enable/Disable whether auto consume should avoid foods/drinks that reduce special stats

sBanned_Items=Xander_Root, Broc_Flower, Human_Remains, Strange Meat, Strange_Meat_Pie
	;DESCRIPION: All food/drink items listed above will not be auto consumed, go ahead and add your own (Items implemented by mods also work on this list)
	;NOTE: Must serperate each item with a comma and must also replace any spaces within an item's name with underscores

	;DESCRIPTION: Enable/Disable the different radiation purging items that are affected by auto consume

	;DESCRIPTION: The amount of radiation that is required to auto consume Radaway
	;OPTIONS: 0 to 1000

	;DESCRIPTION: The amount of radiation that is required to auto consume Radaway when you have the perk "Rad Child"
	;OPTIONS: 0 to 1000

	;DESCRIPTION: The amount of Rads/s that is required to auto consume Rad-X



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