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Boobs and Skin


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What is up with the mods with "ginormous" boobs? I can't figure out whether it's a send up of the whole preoccupation with a lot of the commercial approach to fantasy character art(lush bodies, ample breasts and wide hips)or whether it's just a bunch of people who are living out some kind of unreal fantasy regarding women. Truly, I don't get it. It's got nothing to do with the reality of life in Skyrim...which is hard, labor intensive, and brutal. Definitely not the kind of environment that would produce women with enough calories in their diet to enable much fat to form. Btw, the American preoccupation with breasts has finally produced a documentary on the subject. Check it out on Netflix. Oh well, to each his own. Just be careful or your hero will be found dead, having suffocated while attempting a motorboat.

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Not sure what the point of your post is? You state "to each his own" and so if it isn't your cuppa tea then simply move on from these mods. You can filter them out, block certain mod authors from your viewing list and any other number of things.


The only thing I can see happening from the post is to get people riled up on one side or the other. Every other month or so for the past 11 years I've been here there has been a post along these lines and it typically goes to crap quickly. Heck I even moderated my fair share when I was a moderator here. If you have something to actually debate then there is a section for that.


The beauty of modding a single-player game is being able to make the game like YOU want it to be. If it is hard-core survivalist Skyrim or what one person sees as canon or the "reality" of Skyrim, or making the game as far from "lore friendly" as one can get. And even better the site functions make it super easy to weed out and never see the things you don't like.


Maybe your post is said in a polite way, but you are still making a judgement here when you insinuate some people are living some unreal fantasy about women. I think roasting people with fireballs is living out an unreal fantasy. I think the fact the vanilla people in Skyrim are all covered in dirt despite the massive amounts of water in Skyrim in which they can bathe is an unreal fantasy.


The entire breast thing isn't new. It isn't a symptom of Western society and culture (have you seen statues of ancient fertility goddesses) and has existed through time and cultures. Do I want it in my game? Maybe not but as long as it meets the rules of the site I really don't care.

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have you never heard anything in skyrim about being a milk drinker? ever heard in real life anything about a couple of more ice cream seasons? of course there would be big breasted beauties in skyrim, the women there don't eat only, grass and fish. America introduced the milkshake and hamburger to Japan and Japan turned around and introduced the big breasted japanese women to the world, thanks milk shakes. think about the middle east, they some breasted women, and goat milk/yogurt is big there. it's the milk, it's always been the milk. idk? maybe it's just a mammal thing.

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Skyrim's in the middle of a major civil war. If you pay attention to market dialogue, food prices are going up, supposedly due to interdiction of shipments to the cities by hostile forces. The higher prices on food will result in a lower calorie intake for the bulk of the citizens, many of whom, if not most, are not particularly overburdened with Septims. Secondly, the culture is LABOR intensive, which means the population tends to burn up a LOT of calories, with a consequent lack of fat build up in the average body. There seem to be NO LABOR SAVING DEVICES in Tamriel...unless skill like using magic to levitate heavy objects comes into play. Take a look at Japan prior to the Meiji emperors. That was still a labor intensive culture and there were very few fat people. So, much as I like REASONABLY well endowed ladies, I find some, not all, but some of the mods to be totally ridiculous and must wonder how many caricatures of women are done tongue in cheek. I assume that most of the modders that focus on well endowed ladies are male in gender. In fact, I would assume that most of the modders on the Nexus are male. It'd be interesting to find out what percentage is male as opposed to female. Women, at least the ones that I've talked to, are not particularly fond of huge breasts. They're awkward, they get in the way, and, if one wears a bra, are often rather painful, particularly across the shoulders and the back. Also, as a woman ages, they can become positively embarassing and a threat to physical well being. Ask a well endowed woman what it's like to run with no support for their breasts. Further, at the serious professional level, one does not see female athletes with much at all in the way of fat build up on their bodies. Further, I've been a devoted fan of SciFi and Fantasy since I began reading...which was back around 1949...and one NEVER saw well endowed Valkyries or other legendary/fantasy characters. They were often quite beautiful, but toned and sleek as opposed to awkward and fat with huge breasts. The original illustrations of Howard's "Conan" showed a very fit but otherwise ordinary man. It's only been since the advent of artists such as Vallejo that women began to be depicted as wide hipped, well endowed, lush bodied individuals...unless one counts the women depicted in the work of artists such as Rubens, which, I should point out, had lush hips and thighs but ordinary to small breasts. Also, it's only been since the advent of extreme body builders such as Arnie, that cover artists began to depict fantasy heroes as having bulging muscles and veins. Okay, shutting up for the time being. Y'all have a great day...or night.

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have you never heard anything in skyrim about being a milk drinker? ever heard in real life anything about a couple of more ice cream seasons? of course there would be big breasted beauties in skyrim, the women there don't eat only, grass and fish. America introduced the milkshake and hamburger to Japan and Japan turned around and introduced the big breasted japanese women to the world, thanks milk shakes. think about the middle east, they some breasted women, and goat milk/yogurt is big there. it's the milk, it's always been the milk. idk? maybe it's just a mammal thing.


Btw, no human eats grass. We can't process it, and it's only been since the end of WW2 and the truly rapid modernization of Japan, that Japan's diet has improved to point that we've begun to see the appearance of women with enough fat to develop large breasts. Rice and seafood is, afaik, a staple of the Japanese diet even today. Steak at a restaurant is, as I understand it, a very expensive meal and only rarely eaten. So far as I know, the ideal of beauty in Japanese women, is still the slight build and smaller breasts. That may be changing with increased Japanese exposure to the west, just as western culture has changed with increased exposure to Asia...particularly Japan.

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Skyrim's in the middle of a major civil war. If you pay attention to market dialogue, food prices are going up, supposedly due to interdiction of shipments to the cities by hostile forces. The higher prices on food will result in a lower calorie intake for the bulk of the citizens, many of whom, if not most, are not particularly overburdened with Septims. Secondly, the culture is LABOR intensive, which means the population tends to burn up a LOT of calories, with a consequent lack of fat build up in the average body. There seem to be NO LABOR SAVING DEVICES in Tamriel...unless skill like using magic to levitate heavy objects comes into play. Take a look at Japan prior to the Meiji emperors. That was still a labor intensive culture and there were very few fat people. So, much as I like REASONABLY well endowed ladies, I find some, not all, but some of the mods to be totally ridiculous and must wonder how many caricatures of women are done tongue in cheek. I assume that most of the modders that focus on well endowed ladies are male in gender. In fact, I would assume that most of the modders on the Nexus are male. It'd be interesting to find out what percentage is male as opposed to female. Women, at least the ones that I've talked to, are not particularly fond of huge breasts. They're awkward, they get in the way, and, if one wears a bra, are often rather painful, particularly across the shoulders and the back. Also, as a woman ages, they can become positively embarassing and a threat to physical well being. Ask a well endowed woman what it's like to run with no support for their breasts. Further, at the serious professional level, one does not see female athletes with much at all in the way of fat build up on their bodies. Further, I've been a devoted fan of SciFi and Fantasy since I began reading...which was back around 1949...and one NEVER saw well endowed Valkyries or other legendary/fantasy characters. They were often quite beautiful, but toned and sleek as opposed to awkward and fat with huge breasts. The original illustrations of Howard's "Conan" showed a very fit but otherwise ordinary man. It's only been since the advent of artists such as Vallejo that women began to be depicted as wide hipped, well endowed, lush bodied individuals...unless one counts the women depicted in the work of artists such as Rubens, which, I should point out, had lush hips and thighs but ordinary to small breasts. Also, it's only been since the advent of extreme body builders such as Arnie, that cover artists began to depict fantasy heroes as having bulging muscles and veins. Okay, shutting up for the time being. Y'all have a great day...or night.


most modders are women rough guess 60/70 percent are women most mod users are men (its harder to know the percentages for mod users most dont talk too modders but majority who do are male),also one of the most popular bodys cbbe was made by a women

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Skyrim's in the middle of a major civil war. If you pay attention to market dialogue, food prices are going up, supposedly due to interdiction of shipments to the cities by hostile forces. The higher prices on food will result in a lower calorie intake for the bulk of the citizens, many of whom, if not most, are not particularly overburdened with Septims. Secondly, the culture is LABOR intensive, which means the population tends to burn up a LOT of calories, with a consequent lack of fat build up in the average body. There seem to be NO LABOR SAVING DEVICES in Tamriel...unless skill like using magic to levitate heavy objects comes into play. Take a look at Japan prior to the Meiji emperors. That was still a labor intensive culture and there were very few fat people. So, much as I like REASONABLY well endowed ladies, I find some, not all, but some of the mods to be totally ridiculous and must wonder how many caricatures of women are done tongue in cheek. I assume that most of the modders that focus on well endowed ladies are male in gender. In fact, I would assume that most of the modders on the Nexus are male. It'd be interesting to find out what percentage is male as opposed to female. Women, at least the ones that I've talked to, are not particularly fond of huge breasts. They're awkward, they get in the way, and, if one wears a bra, are often rather painful, particularly across the shoulders and the back. Also, as a woman ages, they can become positively embarassing and a threat to physical well being. Ask a well endowed woman what it's like to run with no support for their breasts. Further, at the serious professional level, one does not see female athletes with much at all in the way of fat build up on their bodies. Further, I've been a devoted fan of SciFi and Fantasy since I began reading...which was back around 1949...and one NEVER saw well endowed Valkyries or other legendary/fantasy characters. They were often quite beautiful, but toned and sleek as opposed to awkward and fat with huge breasts. The original illustrations of Howard's "Conan" showed a very fit but otherwise ordinary man. It's only been since the advent of artists such as Vallejo that women began to be depicted as wide hipped, well endowed, lush bodied individuals...unless one counts the women depicted in the work of artists such as Rubens, which, I should point out, had lush hips and thighs but ordinary to small breasts. Also, it's only been since the advent of extreme body builders such as Arnie, that cover artists began to depict fantasy heroes as having bulging muscles and veins. Okay, shutting up for the time being. Y'all have a great day...or night.


most modders are women rough guess 60/70 percent are women most mod users are men (its harder to know the percentages for mod users most dont talk too modders but majority who do are male),also one of the most popular bodys cbbe was made by a women


Or they say they are. Does anyone really know gender for sure? FREX, I could be a 20 year old woman passing myself off as a 76 year old man just for yucks...as in stirring the pot just for fun. My understanding is that it happens all the time. Net Anonymity. 'Course, gender is what we want it to be these days.


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As far as how the NPCs looks goes, I'm dl'ing for the characters head. Face/Hair. Someone could upload a follower with perfect textures and with what would be idea of the perfect body and if the character has dog face I'm not touching it. I hate when people attack mod authors on there mods page over the large body stuff, if the face good dl and swap body.
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