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'E' to talk.


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I wanted to find out if anyone else has had the problem in which random NPCs do not respond when you press 'E' to try to talk to them. They turn to face me, but don't do anything else. This does not occur with all NPCs, but enough that the game is annoying or possibly unplayable. I've been removing mods, but still haven't found the problem going away. If you've had this problem, do you know which mod screwed things up?


Can post my mod list if necessary.

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Run BOSS and run Wrye Bash and make a merge patch


Hey, thanks for the response! BOSS didn't really see much in regards to conflicts, especially since most of the mods are on the "Unrecognized" list. I've already corrected the things it said.


Wyre Bash kept saying that it corrected an incorrect load order or something like that. But it hasn't done that in a while. Not sure how to make a merge patch, though it says that there's only one mergeable mod in the whole list.


Also noticed that sometimes the game has a hard time loading (as in it never finishes loading) which I assume is probably the fault of some mod.

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On Wyre bash just go into it click skyrim.esm and go to the last in your load order and while holding shift click on it then right click and select mark mergable once you do that right click on the patch and right click and rebuild


the loading issue could be anything from a mod to a corrupted save

Edited by Wastelander121
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On Wyre bash just go into it click skyrim.esm and go to the last in your load order and while holding shift click on it then right click and select mark mergable once you do that right click on the patch and right click and rebuild


the loading issue could be anything from a mod to a corrupted save


Thanks. Tried that, all it did was merge one mod into the bashed patch. Said that the others weren't mergable because of one reason or another.


I've got insane save file bloat now too which could add to the game getting stuck, I suppose. Added possessive corpses and that mart's de-bloatifier... No love. :(

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Did you try validating game cache through Steam? It may be missing voices in the BSA


This may be a dumb question, but how do I validate the game cache with Steam? When I load the game, it just goes through the files I've "subscribed" to on the workshop which are different than the ones I added through the Nexus. Anyhow, I didn't see an option on the Steam interface, etc.

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From your game library right click TES:V and go to properties then local files and verify integrity

Did that. No go. I ended up just taking a good look at the mods active... I had SkyMoMod and morenpcs mod active. I KNOW I disabled morenpcs before, but somehow it turned itself back on. I removed both of those, as well as moregrass mod and immediately, my savegame size went from 125MB -> 18MB.


So one of those is the culprit. Probably the morenpcs mod. (The dude who wrote it mentions bloat on the Nexus, but not on Steam Workshop.) Figure I don't need more grass or random npcs/mobs wandering around if it makes my game bloated like that.


Some stupid npcs still aren't talking to me. >:(

Edited by clipfox
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I am having a problem similar to this with NPC's that try to talk to you. For example, the first quest in Winterhold with the mage teacher teaching you the ward spell bugs for me. When everyone is done talking they all just stare at me, taking the game a few minutes before the teacher says something like: "You have been quiet, what do you think?", but I never get the dialogue options. It also happens with other quests where the npc tries to talk to you (Like the one at Hillgrund's Tomb).


It breaks all of the scenes and they won't work untill I set the quest to its final stage.

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