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I'm CTD-stormed and nothing works :(


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I know this thing must be the 999th repost out there but I'm all out of solutions...


I can't travel the great outdoors of Skyrim *PERIOD*... Whenever I'm outside (anywhere that is "Skyrim" as your location) I crash to desktop -Plain and simple. No warnings, not freezes, no nothing. Happens steadily every 10-15 minutes -no exceptions.


What's killing me is nothing, absolutely nothing worked.


First of all my system's all good -I've got a freakin' GTX 580 with updated drivers and 4 gigs of RAM (although stupid windows 7 say it's 3,25 GRRR) oh yeah OS is Win7 32bit.

Long story short, Skyrim runs smoothly on ultra settings with HD textures mod (Looking gooooooood)


I've done all the mainstream tweaks like the 44100 16bit sound thing and changing video settings to LOW (the GTX was very offended by that)


Yes I've got tons of mods installed but they've been carefully selected to make sure there aren't any conflicts. Besides I performed the clean-install-clean-save ritual. Nope, still CTD after 10 minutes roaming the wilds.


I even tried the "FIX for CTDs and Missing Textures- 32bit Large Memory Access by Stone-D" found here in the Nexus. Still nothing... Although I think it may have fixed the occasional black textures on NPCs (yay!)



No seriously please help... I wanna play Skyrim so much :(

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1. In windows 32, you are looking at a 2GB cap for memory (3 GB with large address aware/4GT).

You probably won't need more than 2GB for skyrim, however it is possible that background apps/processes/services are kicking you over that limit. I'd go through and manually shut off all the updaters/scheduled tasks,etc before playing. My experience with things like Gamebooster is that they take up as much memory as they shut down...they do a good job at keeping the odd scheduled task from starting while in-game, but I prefer the moanual option. Also make sure you are not trying to play with a browser open, and turn steam to offline, so it won't try to download an update on you while you are playing.


2. Run something like Riva tuner, EVGA precision, CPU-Z, etc to monitor what is actually happening with your hardware while you play. Despite your confidence in you system, there are all kinds of hardware issues that can cause what you are seeing, and at least if you rule them out you can move on. For example, if your PSU is starting to go, you may experience random brief power lags, which would be enough to boot you out of your game. Or if you are overheating (either PSU or GPU) you may also get booted out. This can be caused by something as simple as dust in your case, or might be the result of overclocking or corrupt driver installation.


3. After ruling that out, you are going to have to go through the basic mod troubleshooting. Even carefully selected and properly installed mods can cause issues...but more than that, a large number mods period can cause excess strain on your memory (both CPU and GPU). The only way to rule out mods entirely is to completely and properly uninstall all of them, uninstall your game completely and then reinstall (to rule out scripts leftover from incomplete mod removal in the past) and then see if the issue is present in vanilla. If it is, I'd revisit step 2. If it is not, then the issue lies with your particular combination of mods on your particular computer. There will not be a "fix" for this other than going through basic mod troubleshooting, and probably making a few choices about which resource-heavy mods you can't live without and what you are willing to give up in order to keep them.Bben's troubleshooting guide offers a very clear method for achieving this.


Sorry it is a painful process but the only permanent solution is to play on vanilla. Brr...:confused:

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Thanks for the reply Georgiegril.

Let's see now...


1. I have all auto updates off and the only thing running in the background is mTorrent and a bunch of mandatory windows crap. I check Skyrim's memory consumption (Ctrl+Alt+Del while in-game) and it doesn't seem to eat up more than 1,5 - 2 (tops) gigs of memory at any given time.


2. Although I clean my case regulary, the GPU does seem to heat up while Skyrim's running -It varies between 75-80 degrees C :o I googled that and it seems to be normal for a GTX 580. Funny thing is, I've recently been playing other graphicaly intense games like Mass Effect 3, Max Payne 3 and Sleeping Dogs but the GPU was burning at 70C tops -you could barely hear the fans spinning... So maybe for some reason Skyrim's giving hell to my hardware >_<


3. Like I said I've tried a clean install and clean save... Skyrim was back to vanilla with only Dawnguard on... I lost half of my life going through the intro and helgen keep and got CTDed on my way from Riverwood to Whiterun -TWICE (Oh the humanity)


Hey come to think of it, I wasn't getting any CTDs ten months ago, you know back to when Skyrim just came out... Maybe I should try my luck without Dawnguard or ANY patches... Wait... I can't play like that anymore.... So... much... Vanilla... aaaarrrgggg

Edited by MojaveDrifter
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I don't know what mtorrent is, but if you are using it for Skyrim, it would be illegal. If you aren't using it for Skyrim, I'd turn it off, anything doing background downloads or anything like that could be the problem.

Did you check using CPU-Z of something to look for spike/drops. Still could be a power supply unit failing.

There seem to be some tenacious scripts that are left over even after a clean install. When you did your clean install, did you go through and manually remove everything that was left after the delete local content thing? If not (don't hate me) I'd do it again, this time manually removing all the files that are left after steam is through. I'd also go to the trouble to remove all the mods one at a time as instructed by the mod author before doing the uninstall, just to be sure there is not stray script running around. Then reinstall and run the verify cache thing to make sure the install did in fact install everything.

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