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Are there any mods that won't let the player skip dialogue?


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Hello, my fellow Tamrielians(?)! Well, here's the story:

My nephew, 8, is having difficulties with his reading. The school is, predictably, forcing him to read books that are frankly boring and feel like a chore to him. So, remembering my own experience with games (i.e., near college reading level during middle school because of playing text-heavy video games), I recommended my sister Oblivion, as it is engaging, text-heavy, (originally) T for teen, and just plain fun. I told her that I could, with mods, get rid of the more graphic aspects of the game such as blood and gore. Right now, she 's leaning towards letting him play, and I'm working as much as I can to seal the deal.


The problem is that the point of giving my nephew Oblivion is getting him to read, and thus I would prefer it if there was a way in which he would not be able to skip over dialogue. I will quiz him on the major quests, but I won't be able to know whether or not he read through the smaller quests.


After he beats the chunk of Oblivion (KotN, SI, Main Quest, Guilds, etc.), I will move him onto Skyrim, then onto the Fallout series, etc. with the goal of improving his reading comprehension seeing as the games are impossible to play without reading plenty.


Well, point of the story: are there any mods or any way to force the player to read/hear the entire dialogue spoken by npcs?


Thanks, guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe we're looking at this in reverse. Perhaps instead of stopping the player from skipping text, someone could disable all the keys until the dialogue is complete? I absolutely can't script, so I have no idea if it's possible to affect player controls like that, but if it's possible it could be a solution.
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The problem is that the point of giving my nephew Oblivion is getting him to read, and thus I would prefer it if there was a way in which he would not be able to skip over dialogue. I will quiz him on the major quests, but I won't be able to know whether or not he read through the smaller quests.



This sounds like you are expecting him to learn solo. Good education needs supervision, at least to a point. Sit with him, play through with him, have fun with him, and guide him on what it is you want from him, in return for this way of learning.

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Possibly disabling the mouse through use of OBSE would work. However, that would cause him to be unable to click on any dialogue options. If there's a way to detect the times when you need to use the mouse for dialogue and then when you don't that idea could work, although I don't think there is one.


Hickory's idea is probably the best.

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