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8 gig of ram, 3 gig of graphic memory,a nice processor, only like 50 m


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As you can tell from the title, my PC should be more than good enough. But when I'm playing Skyrim I'm not getting a very smooth enjoyable experience at all.


To be more specific- for example when I'm running/riding my horse in the outside space, every couple of meters or so my FPS goes from around 60 down to about 10-15 then back up again, it does this constantly.

I have tried a number of things including Gigantic Skyrim FPS Performance Patch, Ive tried increasing the games Ram with the Explorer suite, I've defragged my harddisc but none have help.

I have even dropped the quality down from ultra to high but I'm still having the same problem. I spoke with some other people and according to them I should be able to run the game no problem on ultra.


I dont really want to resort to playing on any lower setting than high, that defeats the purpose of me spending lots of money on my PC.

So I ask, Can someone please help me?


If you need more info on what mods I'm using or anything else just ask.



Thanks in advance.


[PC specs]

CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2GHz 9MB Cache

RAM: Kingston HyperX 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3-1600 Kit

Graphics: MSI R7950 Radeon HD 7950 3GB 384-bit GDDR5 Video Card

OS: Windows 7 64bit

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Well, I envy your setup.


What I understand from your post is that you only have the fps drop when riding a horse? No other time?

If that is the case, it sounds to me more like a mod issue than anything else. Are you using any mods that affect horses?

One thing that I thought is that if you have a mod that affects the speed at which your horse runs (like convenient horses and maybe Better Horses too) it may be that your horse is running faster than the game is prepared for, so that you are running into cells before your game has properly loaded them. This is just a theory, but I kinda like it...


One thing you could do to fix that would be to slow your horses down to the default speed. If it no longer happens, I could be right.

If it does seem like this is the issue, and you don't want your horses at the default speed, you could try some tweaks to get your game to load more. The ugridstoload is the first that pops into my mind. Thtatis a permanent change though..if you change it you cannot change it backwards without major game instability, so I would recommend reading about it before deciding to do it. The Geforce tweak guide explains it well (not just for Geforce drivers)

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Thanks for your reply Georgiegril.


Sorry for the confusion, but its not only when Im on a horse. I didnt explain that very well did I.

I ment while im running on foot or riding a horse, walking not so much but still happens in areas where there are a lot of trees, it also happens when I rotate the camera or turn around quickly.

Basically whenever I am seeing something new. Its like the texters are loading really slowly.


I am using Convenient horse mod , I have the speed only about 200% which is faster but not ridiculously fast. So I dont think it is that.

Good try though. Hopefully you understand my problem a bit more now.


I am using heaps of texture mods FYI. Im using the "Texture Pack Combiner" with pretty much all the textures, some are Hires others medium.

But in saying that I still would have though my setup should be able to handle it.

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What drivers are you using? The last few releases of ATI drivers have been really junky and make Skyrim run pretty crap. I'm currently using the 12.8 drivers and Skyrim runs smooth as butter on Ultra at 1920x1200. It's different for everyone though, I have a 5770. Your card is part of the newest generation and ATI is still having issues with them and the drivers.


It could be possible that that "Texture Pack Combiner" mod could cause some issues. I haven't used it myself but it sounds like something that could cause issues such as that.

Edited by Illiad86
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Ok, so just to check, you mean 6 GB CPU cache, not MB, right?


The problem that you describe now sounds like a basic performance issue. Although I agree that your card should be able to take it... have you tried things like unticking fxaa and/or AO? They can give people problems, even with nice rigs. Also have you unchecked the multiple monitors option?


It's probably just some little thing that your particular setup doesn't like, but it may be that you have to go through all the troubleshooting to find it! I'd start with the things I just mentioned, then try completely uninstalling all/any lighting mods you have (exactly as instructed by mod author), then dropping your settings until you find it working...if you remember a time when you didn't have this issue you might try recreating that environment again, settings, mods, whatever. Also if you recently changed your driver it might be related to that.


Sorry, no magic fix. And I was so hopeful!

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@ Georgiegril

I never said I had 6mb CPU cache I wrote 9mb. And yes I mean 9mb... I'm not sure but I thought that was truck loads! I didnt think you could get as much as 6GB CPU cache??

Or am I getting this mixed up with something else.


Anyway I will try doing some of the things you and Illiad86 mentioned and see how I go.


I realize there is no magic fix, its just I have tried quite a few things already and I cant find anything else useful on google so I thought I would try here, and I'm glad I did because already you guys have suggested somethings I haven't yet tried.

So Thanks!

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Some mods are made with huge textures and or large files and could cause bad lag and then there are mods that aren't exactly clean and only a person who knows how to use sk or another modding program for the game can determine if the mod is dirty, badly put together, I remember reading the mod comment boards for Fallout 3 and NV and people reporting back that the mod was dirty and needed cleaning up and that they checked it in the geck Edited by sinnerman69
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Don't know if this will be helpful to you or not since I am a Nvidia user. A close friend has been working with Boris about better AMD compatibility and is very knowledeable about all aspects of these cards and is a user himself. This is some info he sent me to better help some of the AMD users of our ENB mods.



ATI Users


Set the following in "ENBSeries.ini".


In the [FIX] section:


In the [sHADOW] section:

UseBilateralShadowFilter=false ■ SSAA is not recommended for use with ENB, unless you have an AMD 7870 or above. If using a less powerful GPU, SMAA is the better option.

■ When updating drivers be sure to uninstall your current drivers before installing your new drivers. It is also not recommended to use Beta drivers. The current stable drivers can be found here.

■ If you must use anisotropic filtering (AF), then either ENB-enabled or CCC-enabled is fine, but this depends entirely on the capability of your CPU since Skyrim is more CPU-intensive than GPU. ENB-enabled is better, but up to 8x is recommended unless you have at least 2GB of VRAM (generally the 69xx, 78xx, and 79xx series).


Possible Crossfire Fix


Please apply the following process to ensure Crossfire compatiblity:

1. Right-click on your desktop and open the Catalyst Control Center.

2. Enter the 3D Applications Profiles.

3. Choose "Use AMD Pre-defined profile" in the list at the bottom

4. Select the "Assassin's Creed Brotherhood profile" (acp?b.exe)

5. Go back to the top, select "New application" and press the "Save" button.

6. Choose the "TESV.exe" application (in the root Skyrim folder) when the browser window pops up.

7. Answer "Yes" when CCC asks if you want to override the default TESV profile.



If none of that helps I will get some more info from him and help you rule out gpu issues so you can go from there. :thumbsup:

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This is getting a bit over my head, but what I think your suggesting Staind716 is that ENBs can actually improve my performance?

Because Im having these issues without any ENB installed.


What is SSAA btw?


Anyhow I might try using your vibrant ENB with the recommended .ini tweaks and see what happens.


@ sinnerman69 I am only a user not a modder, so yes I would have no clue as to how to find out if I have dirty or clean mods installed.



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