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Load Order Pre-Install Questions


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So I've only just now got my hands on the Skyrim's PC version and seeing how many nice mods there are, I've been collection various mods which I think could suit my playstyle. I've tried to be careful to read the various discussions, debug and compitibility issues with all the mods and I've come up with the following list.


Alas, if anyone of you fine gentlemen would have some time to look at it and tell me a little of the Load Order you suggest and possible problems/incompatibility issues that I haven't noticed. Also, I was wondering if these mods are ok with Towns and Villages Enhanced: Collection (Link) as I've been receiving some mixed information on this.


As always, thank you very much beforehand!







Headbomb's Better Sorting

Quality World Map with Roads

Follower Map Markers


Glowing Ore Veins

No NPC Greetings


Sounds of Skyrim

Intro music Replacement (Malukah)


(Bethesda's High-Res DLC)


Enhanced Distant Terrain

Enhanced Blood Textures

Water and Terrain Enhancement Redux

Xenius Character Enhancement (XCE)

Skyrim Enhanced Shaders FX


Texture Pack Combiner

- Skyrim HD - 4K/2K Textures

- Serious HD Retexture Skyrim

- Skyrim Realistic Overhaul

- Ruins Clutter Improvement HD

- Better Dynamic Snow

- Skyrim Flora Overhaul

- Realistic Smoke and Embers (B?)

- Detailed Mountains (AOF)

- Farmhouses (AOF)

- Designs of the Nords

- HQ Milky Way Galaxy

- Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM



Balanced Magic

Duel - Combat Realism

Complete Crafting Overhaul

Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Enhanced High-Level Gameplay


Dynamic Merchants

Better Quest Objectives

Convenient Horses

Horse Armors

Deadly Dragons

Dynamic Guards (RNG)

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

The Dance of Death

Willing Burden Carrier

Light Ingredients


Birds and Flocks


Millennia Weapon Retexture Project

Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection


Winter is Coming - Cloaks

Bags and Pouches - Bandoliers


The Wanderers Surcoat

aMidianBorn Steel Plate Armor

aMidianBorn Steel Armor

Warmages Armor

Edited by HraTaika
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Given that just about everyone uses a different mod set, it's pretty much impossible to determine whether the set you list will be "good" or run into issues at some point short of having a complete playthrough and mimicking your exact path, etc. I wish I had a better answer for you, but that's really the nature of modded games. The only one you listed that is jumping out at me is Sounds of Skyrim; you may want to read this thread to minimize any potential issues. That being said, here's what I'd recommend:


  1. Start a pure vanilla game (or one with MINIMAL mods that you are CERTAIN work just fine together, e.g., HD DLC, USKP
  2. Use that game to get out of Helgen (e.g., finish MQ101), and keep a baseline copy of the save file
  3. Start adding mods to your baseline, and use BOSS for your load order until you're comfortable with making manual adjustments when necessary
  4. Avoid quick/autosaves and use new save slots
  5. Make sure you install mods in the 'right' order; note that this is different than your load order
  6. Make sure you have the horsepower in your rig/graphics card to run your texture packs

The problem is that some potential conflicts won't arise until you're fairly into the meat of the game, so even installing mods after MQ101 only goes so far.

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Very good advice from Mujuro. I would also add that Sounds of Skyrim should definitely not be installed because you will almost certainly have issues with it. Not worth a broken game. So don't take that chance or you will regret it.


Also be sure to read ALL of the description page, readmes, and check the comments closely before installing any mod. If there is a particular issue guaranteed someone will mention it in the comment section.


ALWAYS keep backups of you saves and inis. This can save your game if you have trouble and is a necessity.


If you are installing a mod you aren't quite sure of make sure to keep a save before you install it to roll back to if it causes trouble.


You should also make sure that the mod is still being kept current and supported by the author. If they abandon a mod I am right behind them.


Another thing I personally like to do is track every mod that I use. I'm on Nexus quite a bit and with a quick look at the tracking section can instantly see which mod has been updated and keep them current. NMM does this automatically, but I like to do it this way since I do install certain mods manually as well.


You are already on the right track by being careful about using mods. While they add a lot to the game, they can also break it so completely that only a total reinstall and new game can fix it.


And of course, if you have any questions just ask and someone will be happy to help. :thumbsup:


Also remember to show a little appreciation for the mods you enjoy by taking a moment to leave a comment and endorsement. It's a great encouragement to let people know you enjoy what they are doing and motivates them to continue. :)

Edited by Staind716
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