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Build Menu items print out?


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I want to create printable poster of all of the items I have installed and available under the settlement build menus for reference purposes.


I know there is a text file that shows all of your installed mods, is there a file somewhere that will show you your menu structure and items you have under each heading?


Alternately, are there any mods that let you edit and reorganize your own menu structure to move items where you want them?

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I would LOVE to have a spreadsheet of all the items in the workshop, and where they are. That would be incredibly helpful. Trouble is, I have added quite a few items to the workshop, and the list would be HUGE.... (thousands of items.....)


I would imagine that someone (but, not me.....) could write a script for FO4Edit, that would extract the information, and save it to a file of some sort. Might be something to request from the team.

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