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Any way to get rid of the 3 20lb elder scrolls?


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Dragon Elder Scroll: sell it to Urag gro-Shub at the College of Winterhold.

Dawnguard Elder Scrolls: sell them to Dexion Evicus.



Although they say that their weight is 20 each, they actually weigh nothing. Try dropping all your items except the Elder Scrolls for a confirmation of this. :)

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The quest items are not supposed to add encumbrance even though it is listed. If you want t o try dropping (and hence saving) quest items, there is a Nexus based mod that allows this.




I have used this and it has its problems. The main one is, you can accidentally sell or drop an item then lose it forever. So, if you do use it, I advise a save game prior to its install, just in case. (I advise that to any mod you add, by the way)

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