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[LE] Animation

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Can you code? Required. Find the name of the animation? Use it a code without opening a menu.


If you have the skill required my hint above should be ok, and all you need. For Coding Advice I usually say go do a course. You will learn more than ever possibly can on a forum.


use (IMHO) this code On Activate Event

Function SendAnimationEvent(ObjectReference arRef, string asEventName) native global
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

whether it an Alias or you attach it to an Object is your choice


It shouldn't need any properties at it bare minimum, since you can validated with Game.GetPlayer.

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Go to, in CK :

toolbar > Gameplay > Animations > Actors\Character\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx

All actor's animations are listed in here, or search in the other lists in there.

If you don't want to spend too much time searching for the animation name, you can use this tool :

This the wiki page with some animations, yours not in the list :

Creating the script... i don't think you need help with that, you are more than capable.

Have a happy modding !.

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