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Interesting Glitches


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Some times when i switch from dual swords to a mace and axe, i will have my sword still attached at my belt. even when i pull out my weapons and sheate them again, or unequiped my weapons. the way i fixed it was by dropping ALL my weapons and then picking them up.

Sometimes the items i am about to pick up will vanish visually, but i can still select and take them

SOmetimes when a new dungeon loads walls will appear as you go around a corner.

Sometimes shooting a person with an arrow to the head, will not hurt them, but the arrow will still be stuck there

Somteimes when i try to pick up more than my carryweight allows, the game will lag and i would be stuck without being able to move.

Sometimes after using a Tanning rack, or a workbench, i would be stuck in the view of the rack/workbench, and be unable to move..

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Sometimes (well, most of the times) when I shoot a bear or a Sabercat, the arrow will strike them so hard they get buried deep in the scenery - and there's no using "detect the dead" to find them, they're gone for good!.. (or bad). Sigh.


Sometimes, I can shoot 20 arrows at the eagles flying above Solitude without ever killing them. The 20 arrows remain stuck to the damn birds who keep flying in circles like some crazy spike-balls... Sigh


Sometimes, when I enter a dungeon with my followers, one of them will remain stuck in a wall. Last night, I heard one squeak "help, I surrender". I had to reload. Sigh.

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Sometimes my mods work together with no problem at all.

Sometimes I don't encounter any game breaking bugs for a whole hour.

Sometimes I only have one Louis Letrush in my game.

Sometimes there is a spot on a mountain that my horse can't climb at a 95 degree angle.

Sometimes when I see a dragon it actually attacks me AND gives me it's soul.

Sometimes when I uninstall a scripted mod it doesn't break my saves beyond all repair.

Sometimes I can actually complete an entire quest line.

Sometimes I find myself far too attracted to hagravens to make me feel comfortable.

Sometimes I don't care and look at them anyway.

Sometimes when I see something very repetitive I can't resist joining in.

Sometimes I understand why my therapist cries so much every time I see him.

Sometimes I could go on for hours but decide to give people a break.

Sometimes I don't. But this time I will. Please forgive me.



Edited by Staind716
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Sometimes I read forum threads before posting.

Sometimes I don't. LOL


All the time... I use one particular gold ore vein between Silent Moons Camp & Halted Stream Camp I get ported forward and up by a good distance and make a non-lethal fall to the ground when finished mining gold from thin air.....

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