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HALO 5 Style ADS


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So I know this may not be a very popular Mod to request because I know how many people probably will resist this but I figure I'll ask anyway. Maybe someone out there would be willing to do this, or at least provide me with instructions on how to do it myself.


I've never like the traditional ADS mechanic of weapons in 1st Person view. I dunno, call me weird but I find it harder and more frustrating to actually aim in the view because the rifle is smashed up in my face in the center of the screen and blocks a considerable amount of view and screen real-estate. There are very few games that provide an alternative ADS or AAR (Aim Along Rifle) as I like to call it that to me looks so much more ascetically pleasing. Where instead of the rifle being pulled center screen, the fist person view camera just zooms in along the side of the rifle to acheive the zoom factor effect of aiming in first person.


For context here's a link to HALO 5 using this mechanic. Please view up to the 20 second mark for what I'm talking about. If anyone would be interested in making this aiming mod that would be awesome, and if not, but would be willing to tell me how to do it myself, that would be great as well.



Edited by nemtek
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Fallout 3 style (same thing, just without the hologram) can be done by just adding camera offsets to the ironsights Mod Objects in the Creation Kit, then all you would need is a mod that makes the crosshairs stay when you aim, which I think exists already. It's be one of those mods that's easy, but a lot of busy work.


Doing Halo 5 style (with the hologram) would need some custom sights, built on the dot sights.

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Okay, cool, I figured it out and it was easy. A X-axis negative offset of 2 was just the perfect setting to acheive the desired result, it seriously makes 1st Person aiming really tactical looking I might add. Thanks for the insight

Edited by nemtek
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