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Items not respawning


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I'm going through and creating a mod that redoes the interiors of Falkreath. I started out with the alchemy store Grave Concoctions. I've went through and gave just about all the potions I've placed the ownership of ServicesFalkreathGraveConcoctions so the merchant would be able to sell the items off of the shelf. When testing, I could buy all the items from the merchant, and I could see them disappear from the shelf behind her, but the problem I'm experiencing is none of the items are re-spawning after any amount of time of waiting, 10/30 days. I would usually go off to whiterun and go into the Bannered Mare and wait out the days and then come back.


I can't figure out what's different from Vanilla. I've not deleted any markers, not changed any location types, cell info, etc. The only containers I've removed was some of the barrels containing food. I've attached the file if anyone else wants to take a look and see what I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated.


For what it's worth, this is not a new or existing game. I just fire up the game and coc into Falkreath, then run over to Whiterun.

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The question is what is the difference between the cells?

What is the difference between the Grave Concoctions cell and Embershard Mine where everything respawns.


I can see 2 things: Encounter Zone and the fact you kill the Boss.

Zaria is NOT marked as the Boss of GC.

Also Embershard has different keywords on it.


Next thing I'ma try is putting the LocTypeClearable on the GC Location.

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Comparing Arcadia's Cauldron (or any other alchemy shop) to Grave Concoctions, I noticed that in Locations that GC is not marked as shop, dwelling, or anything else for that matter. So I'm honestly not even sure how it was working correctly in vanilla to start with. I've tried setting up the location the same as the alchemy shops in Dawnstar and Morthal (LocTypeDwelling, LocTypeShop, etc) but no luck.

Edited by atdano
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That gets corrected in the USLEEP patch and they added the Dwelling and Store keywords.


I also added the TypeDungeon keyword to the Location and an Encounter Zone to the cell and it still doesn't reset.


What the heck makes a cell reset?

Maybe it has to have a Boss? and you have to kill the Boss?


Next time I'm try waiting for 32 days in Whiterun.

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You mentioning USLEEP gave me an idea. I went back into CK and created a new mod real quick. I included USLEEP into the mod and all I did was add 1 potion to the cell. Then went in game, bought out the whole store, all ingredients and potions were gone from the shelves. Went to Whiterun and waited out the 30+ days, then came back. Everything was back on the shelves EXCEPT for my 1 potion I added. So I'm wondering if items need to be added to something else besides the ServicesFalkreathGraveConcoctions?


As for what exactly makes a cell reset, I'm still not sure. Everything I've read from the Wiki and other forums all state it supposed to be time....

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Found out things work a lot better in SSE. I converted the mod over to SSE, loaded it up in the SE Creation Kit, made sure all the ingredients and potions were marked under the ServicesFalkreathGraveConcoctions ownership. Fired up the game and went into the shop and bought everything. Shelves were completely empty, went to Whiterun, waited 30 days and came back. Shelves were re-stocked with everything, but majority of the stuff was not in merchants inventory to buy again. SO right now, kinda lost on what to try next to troubleshoot the issue for LE.

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For what it's worth I can't figure out how to get things I add to respawn either. I made a player home, NOT set to a NoRespawnZone. Items set to be respawnable.. I even had a script to reset the cell and each item I added. Nothing worked. Flora and containers respawned but not any of the misc items. I finally gave up and turned them all into flora. Frustrating.

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Yeah I tried waiting 32 days in Whiterun and nothing, does not respawn.

I put a custom Encounter Zone on the cell, added the keywords LocTypeDungeon and LocTypeClearable to the Location, also added Zaria as the Boss of the cell.


I just keep asking myself what is the difference between the GC alchemy shop and a normal dungeon?

Another thing I'm thinking is GC is in a hold, maybe LocTypeHold don't reset? Then, I'm not so sure about that. I've had dragons attack Winterhold and the cart in Winterhold always returns to its neutral spot from what I remember... yeah I think it does.


Also why would it reset in SE but not retain it's Owner attribute? That's such a strange bug for Bethesda to fix... and then introduce another bug.

From what I know the only difference from LE to SE is the 64 bit upgrade. Why would they fix an obscure cell reset bug but not, you know, the grey face bug? Or the female 1st person Texture Set bug?


A scripted way I'm thinking it could be fixed is similar to book shelves:

Place books in a treasure chest and have them displayed in the shelf.

With the shop place the potions and ingredients in a chest, which respawns, then display the potions and ingredients. But hand placing all those items via script would be annoying...


Hey dude, when you placed your item in the shop for the SE version did you use the DummyPotion or a regular potion as the Base Object?

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I might be able to do the re-spawn through script. I mean, I do have a script from a house mod that was used to place dragon claws and masks on the shelf/wall. Should just be able to change the objects in the script to match the ingredients and potions. Those items are already placed in the cell, Should just be a matter of linking them in the reference after that. I'll look more into it.


As for the testing of the single potion added to the cell, I was doing it in LE and I used a base object potion.

As for the testing in SE, all I did was take the same .esp file you have and convert it over to work in SE and made sure all the items were set with the ownership of SerivesFalkreathGraveConcoctions. And yeah, things re-spawned, just wasn't in her inventory anymore. I'm getting ready to release another interior this Friday, I might hold off releasing of Gray Pine Goods for now though.

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