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Japanese/Oriental/Asian/Akaviri Mods


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I love Skyrim, but there’s a definite lack of Japanese/Asian-themed mods. I loved them for Oblivion, and I would really like to see some made for Skyrim. I have a variety of ideas on specific mdos in this style.


Tatami floors, shoji walls, sliding doors, retextured walls, new pagoda roofs, wall hangings, futon beds, kimonos, sakura trees, red maples, bathhouses, shrines, temples, floor-mat chairs, short tables, Asian eye and nose shapes, Asian skin tones, various AI greetings and comments in Japanese, quests following Japanese mythology.


Everybody likes to roleplay at least a couple of times through the game. It is an RPG after all. So mods that are lore-compatible and don’t break immersion are excellent, especially since you can enjoy most of them even if you’re not roleplaying.


The obvious place to start with any themed mod is player houses. The climate may seem all wrong in Skyrim for a Japanese-style home, but that’s not true at all. The warmer style architecture with shoji walls and doors would fit in with the area around the hot springs, and the cold-climate style architecture of the mountain villages and castles would fit in throughout Skyrim.


Temples in both the warm and cold-climate styles placed throughout the world, with monk and priest NPCs and sacred artifacts and ornamentation. Ancestral burial grounds featuring the spirits of the ancestors and small shrines at crossroads, village and city gates, river heads, landmarks.


Castles in the style of the Edo period instead of or in addition to Vanilla castles, forts, and ruins. Bridges remade in the Oriental style, linking the shore to castles in the middle of lakes and across deep ravines.


Sakura (cherry blossom) trees and bamboo in the warmer regions and red maples in the moderate-cold regions. Native flowers and plants to replace or complement Vanilla plants and ingredients. Panda bears spawning in warm, forested areas, tigers and Bengal tigers in their respective climates. Not strictly Japanese, but still Asian-themed.


Kimonos in summer and winter styles for various climates, samurai-style heavy armor, ninja-style light armor, katanas, sai, shuriken, kunai, shukusen. New hairstyles and face options.


Complete overhaul of every game location and all the NPCs. Stormcloak becomes mainland Asian and the Empire becomes Japanese. The NPCs use phrases like konnichiwa, ohayou, hajimemashite, sayounara, and address the player as Ryuumare-sama, chijin-san, or tanin-san. Questlines and location names tweaked to fit Asian lore.


Everything together as a complete remake of Skyrim for a completely new experience, rich with details to immerse you in Japanese and other Asian cultures, either as Japanese or TES Akaviri for lore purposes.


If someone wants to make any or all of these mod ideas (if all then separate component options would be good), I will be eternally grateful. If you just want to make the new architecture and items, I’ll build the houses and castles and whatnot. In Oblivion, whenever I get a new mod in a style that I like, I go to the CS and build my own stuff with the new parts anyway.


I will do whatever I can to help anyone who is interested in working on mods in this style. I can lend my limited knowledge of the Japanese language and Oriental culture, and consult with my brother (who lived in Japan for awhile) for his rather more extensive knowledge. My father is a college professor who teaches the history of the various parts of Asia, so I have access to valuable resources through him as well.


I am a voice actor myself, and my Japanese accent is not bad. I have a student from Japan living with me for the year, so she can do additional voice or consulting, and my brother’s accent is very good, so both male and female voice acting can be covered.


Scripting, meshes, and textures are beyond my modding abilities, but I will gladly provide inspirational resources for people who can create textures and write quest dialogue for those making scripts.


Pretty please, let’s get some gorgeous new content for TES V: Skyrim!



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Check out the Ashen race on Nexus for a good Asian-themed playable race. I've been using it for quite some time. It might not be precisely what you're looking for, but it's about the closest you'll get at the moment with the highest quality. I think there's another Asian-themed racial appearance on the Nexus, but the last time I checked it wasn't nearly as polished.


I've got an .esp file containing the beginnings of a player home with a distinctly Asian architecture, which I can provide if someone with the time and skill to finish it is interested. (I created a shoji screen styled wall out of a wall from Breezehome and prison grating, and a wooden outdoor porch that I intended to function as seating for the player. ) I can't vouch for how good it looks in-game, but from the CK it looks decent. I started it with the intent of creating a tranquil and secluded player home for my ridiculously powerful Ashen character to retreat to and live a simple life when he got tired of slaughtering monsters and outlaws, but I've been too lazy and preoccupied with other things to finish. I'm also stumped on how to decorate the interior, as many of the vanilla assets don't fit the theme very well at all. If someone gets around to finishing the home, they're perfectly welcome to release it as their own mod, but I'd appreciate it if they'd give me at least an ounce of credit for the initial architecture ideas, and let me know so I can download and use said home.

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