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Moral choice filter


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RPG's are all about free will. Would you really want to surrender yours so easily?

Wouldn't you rather decide for yourself what you consider to be "good" and what not instead of letting someone else making this choice for you?

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If his father has so much say in the matter, I'd say he's rather young. And at that age, what dad tells is law. (for most people anyways)

I would still go about it a nother way. Profanity filter ? Yes. Gore filter ? Oh yeah. It's not for children. A few changes in a small number of quests ? Yes, it is needed.

But not a complete and utter (forgive me for saying this) castration. (people see worse things on the TV anyways)

It would just take away the fun. If some modders would agree to these terms, there would be a big chance of finally getting a ''children friendly'' FO3 and that would enable a much larger number of players.

I'm sure his dad would agree to his playing with the game with such a mod added.


Am I right thedragurman ?

Edited by bfg10k17
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The game doesn't have an age restriction for nothing. :armscrossed:


And, if I recall well, you're not even allowed to have an account on the Nexus either if you're under a certain age. (13 to be exact)

Edited by BlackRampage
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