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Getting kicked into third person view


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I get that all of the time, too. I used to blame my mouse for it until I started reading comments on the forums about this. It's almost like it's trying to make you play it like a third person console game. I haven't heard of the "werewolf bug" but I haven't done the Companions quests either.




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I had this problem too once I installed Dawnguard. In my case, someone gave me a solution that fixed it:



seems it's a known savegame-bug, caused by Dawnguard.

Try open your save with a hexeditor and search for "dlc1playervampirechangescript", change it to "dlc2playervampirechangescript". (backup the save first)

Otherwise, if you do not have experience with hexeditors, there's also a fix at the skyrimnexus, just search for "Dawnguard 3rd person Fix"

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