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Need Help With A Blend File


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Not precisely an Oblivion tech support request here...but kind of..maybe. So I have a model that was given to me from a modding acquaintance a while back. My plan was to at some point convert it for use in Oblivion.


Problem is, now that I got around to opening the archive, it's in a .blend format. And I have no clue how to use Blender. I've been learning modeling for some time now in 3dsMax. Is there anyone out there who knows how to work with Blender and would be willing to convert the file for me? Don't need to do anything beyond converting from blend to .nif, or even obj, so I can get it into 3ds and do the rest.


Any helping hand would be appreciated.

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Getting Blender to properly export a nif requires getting the right version of Blender and properly installing the nif tools. For what you want to do, I wouldn't bother. Blender supports obj files right out of the box, so just do it that way.


Since you don't know what version of Blender was used, just download the latest version of Blender. Open the .blend file, press A to select all (if nothing is selected, pressing A once will select all, if only part of the mesh is selected, pressing A will deselect all, so press A again to make sure everything is highlighted), then once everything is selected, go to export and export it as an obj. From there you should be able to import it into 3ds Max.


You really don't need to know much about Blender. It's basically just open, make sure everything is selected, and export. That's it.

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I really didn't want to download blender and the necessary components just for one file. That's why I was asking some nice person who already has it, and knows how, to do that simple conversion for me. I mean I wouldn't even know how to "open" the blend file. I would probably need to watch a you tube just for that. Thanks for the responses however. If it comes down to that I'll do it eventually.

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I think Blender Portable is about the most pain free method of installing Blender Mhahn.


I'm in the same boat as the Rev and have had zero luck with most tasks in Blender (even following tutorials). If I was at home and had access to my gaming computer I'd give it my best shot, but unfortunately I'm a month from returning to the Striker Manor.

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Then we are all in the same boat. I had Blender several years ago and found it difficult to get acquainted with to say the least. Even with tutorials. And like Rev could never get it to export things properly. So I scrapped it in favor of 3DS, which I was able to get a copy of free thanks to my son being a college student. It's been much easier to learn and I'm happily creating things with it.


In any case, I do appreciate you all taking an interest. I'm going to reach out to some modders I know in hopes of getting this thing converted. I'm sure one of them will help out.



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Yeah sure. I'll send you a PM with link to the .blend file.

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