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error with godstones


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Anyone know how to make overpowered sigil stones with the Construction Set? I can set the enchantments but the attack spells wont work at these huge levels (damage health 1,000 pts for 10 sec). It lists a compatable charge total for the weapon in the CS and in the game's enchanting screen. But after the weapon is created, the total charge is lower than the charge needed for a single attack. The weapon is useless. I have Script Extender already. Any ideas on what is causing this upset? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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You have to set the cost for the charge to a very low number (zero if you REALLY want to cheat), otherwise there will not be enough to fire the effect.
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You can't actually change the cost in the Sigil stone itself, it has to be the cost of the spell that is used, so you will have to create a new spell for your stone -- you will see the box for 'Cost', which can be set manually if you uncheck 'Auto-calculate'.
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Thanks again. I can create spels and enchantments with no cost, but I have yet to finda way to apply them to sigil stones. The only spells I can apply are the basic categories (fire, frost, shock, damage health, weakness to, etc) Is there any way to put custom spells on sigil stones or completely remove auto calculate altogether?


Thanks again for taking your time to help a noob like me.

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Yes, I have just taken a look at Sigil Stones in the CS, and it seems that they use basic Magic Effects, and not spells. So, never having attempted this, I don't know how you would (or even if you can) go about it.
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I wonder if kuertee's Magicka-based enchantment limits may be of some help. I use it to create multiple effect weapons and armor using a combination of sigil stones and enchanting (along with a bit of tweaking in the CS to get a multi-effect base enchantment on some items). If you're just looking for a way to create a multi-effect sigil stone it won't help. If you want a way to get multi-effect armor/weapons it will.
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Sorry, but it has to be all in the stone. I am looking for something that has powers equivelent to a Great Sigil Stone. Defenses are easy, its just the attacks that need work. I am constructing a town HIGH up in the mountains that is warmed by the magic of a great sigil stone, so this needs a huge fire damage. So far the best I can do is 1000pts with enough for 5 strikes.


The error only comes up in the game after you click "create". Is there any way to turn off auto-calculate completely in the game?

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I hate to suggest limiting mods in any way, but I have a work around. You could make it so that when the God Stone is used, it replaces a quest sword with another which has the enchantment already applied? I don't know if you could swap nif paths with obse. I beleive it has been done before. If not, then simply making it a quest sword would work.
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