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The text of Glory (Raildroad) does not match the voice


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I have a problem with this NPC, this problem had not been for some time, in older versions of the game, but for several updates the error has arisen.

When Glory talks to me, what is read in the text options does not match what she speaks with the voice, this is a real problem, because there are a couple of missions where you talk to her, and my selection in the 4 options, does not correspond to what she responds "speaking with voice".

I don't know how to solve this, any idea where I could look? I have some handling with the CK and FO4Edit, but I don't know where to start, my language is Spanish.

PS: It is not a problem of mods, this happens equally with and "without mods" (none installed).

Edited by davoker
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Hello again, I'm sorry to get heavy, but I don't know how to solve this problem, and it is not a particular problem, this error happens in the Spanish language, the glory texts do not match what he says when he speaks with his voice.

I need someone to guide me a little where I can start to fix it, I have some experience with the CK and FO4Edit, but I don't know where to start looking.

If someone please could enlighten me I would be very grateful, thanks!

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Are you using a "full text dialog" mod? If so, might wanna check and see if there are any updates for it.

A companion has solved it, the names of voice files did not match those that contained the text, it came like this in the game of vanilla for the Spanish language, a derogatory xD
But it is already solved, the translator of the unofficial patch Patch to Spanish is the one who has made the arrangement, very good boy.
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