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Unplayable Crashing in Exterior Cells


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ok after doing a complete reinstall ans using Ccleaner to fix any registry leftovers I proceeded to make a completely new character and once out of the tutorial I coc'd to all known crash locations and experienced none. So the issue.. for now is solved. the main issue now becomes reinstalling most of my mods (I'm fairly certain it wasnt a mod issue as I experienced the issue between installs of the game when i didnt clean everything out) but who knows... I think I may copy my obilvion folders in both locations as a back up then begin installing the mods.


Thank you everyone for your help especially you Hickory. I very well could have installed my mods wrongly I'll admit so any tips may be welcome, I've been doing this for a long time but it is always possible I effed up

Edited by Ares1
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My best tip for you regarding installing mods, is to diligently read any instructions, and always be on the lookout for incompatibilities. Also be sure to use BOSS, and read it's notes, because it is a treasure trove of incompatibility tips, and notes on dirty plugins. Mega-mods can be troublesome, particularly when combined, so be alert there. And be frugal with the console commands. Good luck.
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Another tip before you start installing mods ... use Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM to make a 'vanilla' install profile, perhaps free of any mods beyond the UOP etc. Use that as a testing ground for mods (you could even keep a 'backup' of your working modded game once you get all your mods installed). That way you can just delete the profile if you ever run into trouble after backing up that profile's saves. Makes keeping different character's games unique and separate a breeze too.
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