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Burn Stuff Up to Ashes (or nothing)


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Was digging for a mod that simply lets me physics-drag stuff onto campfires and fire barrels etc, and just... well ... burn them up. Including, crates, boxes, BODIES, and the like.


Wondering if such a mod would be possible...


Fire emitters trigger an effect on an item or body,

burning flames for a bit,

item is marked disabled then marked for delete.



Mods of burning, but don't do it:




...various corpse scrappers...

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Personally my favorite thing to do, was to make a series of ground level conveyor belts so I could through corpses on them wherever I was in Sanctuary and have them feed a Recycler.


That was, until I grabbed Settlement Tidy Bot and just let it go around automatically disposing of corpses and placing their loot in a chest


LOL! Very nice idea.


I was thinking more of out in the wilds (outside settlements), tossing bodies on fires, some boxes (for the hell of it) and the like. Mostly bodies though. I still pile them on a campfire, but then not have that final satisfaction of burning meat and smoke and then all gone ;)


No, I'm not a pyro, or sadist... just... its been something that kinda bugged me as I travel.

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