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How safe is it to campact ID's and esplify?


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How safe is it to compact the ID's and make your file an espfe? I know from reading on another forum that some people are running 450+ plugins that "most are ESL flagged ESP files.


I don't really want to start big, maybe some weapon or visuals or armor mods. Nothing that changes a city or such. I'm just having a few issues with one program saying I have more plugins loaded than another program and figured this might be the easiest solution to that situation. If its safe.


EDIT: That's Compact in the title, no campact. Too much of a rush today. I don't think that can be changed after the fact.

Edited by Skinjack
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If it's not your own mod that you have yet to release, it's not safe to compact. There could be patches and other dependencies looking at the file that compacting will break. So you should stick to the ones xEdit or Wrye Bash says are safe to change the flag on WITHOUT compacting them.

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Coming from you that is definitely worth listening to. I appreciate it.


I do have a couple of my own mods I haven't released (I used archaic mirror techniques when texturing them because I haven't kept up with the times) so I have never released them. They are just weapons that have textures/meshes with an esp.

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One more question. Certain esp's like SkyUI and RaceMenu say they can be made light. I haven't done that because they affect so much and certain mods, like QuickLoot RE, I've read can have issues when you do that. Are these safe to change, or should I just keep steering clear of them?

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As long as you don't need to compact them they should be fine to set the ESL flag on.

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Those come up as:


[17] SkyUI_SE.esp

Can be turned into ESL by adding ESL flag in TES4 header

[74] RaceMenu.esp

Can be turned into ESL by adding ESL flag in TES4 header

[76] RaceMenuPlugin.esp

Can be turned into ESL by adding ESL flag in TES4 header

[bF] Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Can be turned into ESL by adding ESL flag in TES4 header


So I should be good. Probably won't mess with the Bashed Patch, though, as right now I'm regenerating it too often and it probably needs to be changed each time its generated.


Thanks again for your help.

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