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Star Trek Picard


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NO, I'm not interested at all. Life long fan of sci fi, dating back to the late 1960s when I read my first scifi book (Mystery of the Martian Moons as I recall) as an 8 year old, and I've read over a thousand sci fi titles since, but I had more than my fill of Patrick Stewart's banal hollywood-scripted socio-political indoctinals during STNG.

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but I had more than my fill of Patrick Stewart's banal hollywood-scripted socio-political indoctinals during STNG.

Alrighty then... :laugh: :laugh:




Anyway.. Episode 2 of Picard seen. Glad it explains some of the mysteries & fan complaints about the first episode.


My thoughts (SPOILER ALERT):


A few fans complained about the weird Starfleet HQ 'rooftop cleanup' job & leave Picard on his couch with no questions asked scene jump moment in ep 1 but now we see the Commodore reviewing the battle cleanup footage (questioning it's effectiveness) and discover this fascinating Starfleet conspiracy with secret Romulan sect plot. I remember people in the past getting so upset about the English writing in the Romulan Borg research post but there are a lots of humans there which explains that one.


We see that the Androids that destroyed Utopia planitia were 'hacked' presumably by this secret synthetic hating Romulan faction. And holy moly they actually acknowledged Picard's Irumodic syndrome that afflicted him around now in the alternate future seen in TNG finale All Good Things. I'm impressed with their attention to detail (regarding old Trek events), which makes me hope the writers haven't forgotten Lore & Lal after all.


The only real gaff I saw was Laris saying Romulans never had a cybernetic program which contradicts the awesome TNG S3 ep the defector where Admiral Jarok tells Data that he knows a number of Romulan cyberneticists that would love to get their hands on him. Although then again maybe its not a gaff as we saw Romulan experts pulling apart dead Borg. You cant really study Borgs without some good cyberneticists lol. Probably just more Romulan secrets lol.

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I really wish they hadn't built this around the events in the 2009 movie, a movie with a plot that was nonsense. In the movie the Romulan star is shown as a yellow star much like our own, a star like that does not go supernova, that's not how stars work. In an episode of TNG what happens prior to a supernova is explained, this was when some effort was made to keep the show grounded in real science. The movies also raise another question, what did they need 10,000 ships for? in Into Darkness Khan teleported halfway across the galaxy, why not evacuate Romulus by doing that?


JJ Trek like JJ Star Wars falls apart when you start thinking about things, there's a awful lot of stuff that isn't explained, how did the attack on Mars turn the Federation into space racists? how did Mars thin carbon dioxide atmosphere catch fire? how can you store an entire personality in a positron, a subatomic particle? that's some serious compression. Why teleport in to capture Dahj when it would have made more sense to teleport her out into some kind of containment? why did they chose to use a knife on her boyfriend and fight with her when they could have stunned them? the list goes on.


You can explain this stuff using mental gymnastics or ignore it but we wouldn't have to if the writers were competent, if CBS have got any sense they'd take the thing away from Secret Hideout and give it to people who know what they're doing.

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I really wish they hadn't built this around the events in the 2009 movie, a movie with a plot that was nonsense. In the movie the Romulan star is shown as a yellow star much like our own, a star like that does not go supernova, that's not how stars work. In an episode of TNG what happens prior to a supernova is explained, this was when some effort was made to keep the show grounded in real science. The movies also raise another question, what did they need 10,000 ships for? in Into Darkness Khan teleported halfway across the galaxy, why not evacuate Romulus by doing that?


JJ Trek like JJ Star Wars falls apart when you start thinking about things, there's a awful lot of stuff that isn't explained, how did the attack on Mars turn the Federation into space racists? how did Mars thin carbon dioxide atmosphere catch fire? how can you store an entire personality in a positron, a subatomic particle? that's some serious compression. Why teleport in to capture Dahj when it would have made more sense to teleport her out into some kind of containment? why did they chose to use a knife on her boyfriend and fight with her when they could have stunned them? the list goes on.


You can explain this stuff using mental gymnastics or ignore it but we wouldn't have to if the writers were competent, if CBS have got any sense they'd take the thing away from Secret Hideout and give it to people who know what they're doing.


Urgh don't even get me started on the complete lack of intelligence in the writing behind Abrams Star Trek and Star Wars films.. drives me nuts!!!


The Trek TV shows aren't as bad but yeah they're full of similar plot holes. There must have been about 3 times in Discovery season 2 where I was screaming at the TV "JUST USE THE F*ING TRANSPORTER!!!!!" in some dramatic character death/danger sequence lol.


I don't feel it so bad as some things are explained.. it's just a matter of being patient and seeing the next episodes which do the explaining.


Episode 2 explains more on the isolationist Federation.. eg it mentions 14 members threatening to leave the Federation if they helped the Romulans so losing the rescue fleet (no matter what the cause was) was probably the final straw. Yes in the past it made sense to play out the current real worlds problems on the alien races instead of the Federation, they have gone through a lot in the 24th century. Multiple borg invasions, a military coup, war with the Klingons, war with the dominion (that apparently resulted in millions dead, hundreds of ships destroyed), a Breen attack on earth & starfleet HQ itself, and could have lost earth entirely to a Scimitar thalaron weapon attack from the leaders a Romulan Remen military coup. After all that a isolationist Federation is actually quite plausible even if it's not Gene's original vision of a Utopian Federation that can endure endless trauma.


The fact that they can't figure out positironic brains in the 24th century makes me think it's a little bit more complicated than getting a new version of winzip. :wink: But yes it is a bit silly, but I'll take whatever I can get if it all leads to an eventual Data resurrection undoing that Nemesis cr*p even its its a rehash of Star Trek 3 bringing Spock back via a mind meld and a terraforming planet somehow making him young again lol.


Episode 3 explains that Romulan weapons don't have a stun setting, and maybe that dude just reeeeeeeally loves his knives haha.


But yes most of that other stuff are gaffes lol. Like with discovery we're often thinking why don't they just use the bloody transporter haha.


It's funny. Am involved in a number of Picard forum discussions around the net and I see some people complaining about too much exposition yet I see others complaining about being confused due to not enough info lol. Makes me think they probably should have just done Ep 1 & 2 together as a pilot movie (that would have avoided some of the anger about confusing things in ep1 that were explained in ep 2) then they could have had the big trailer at the end of the 2hrs showing that the adventure kicks off next episode. Instead we got a ep1 that confused people and an exciting trailer at the end of it that implied the adventure was about to begin when in reality the next ep was still farting around on earth lol. So yeah I reckon a combined double ep pilot would have pissed off/confused far less people.


Anyway I'm still enjoying the show but am still unsure as to whether I actually really really like it or not. Still need to see how story pans out lol.
Episode 3 seen: (spoiler alert)

Not thrilled about how they continue to make Picard look slow, weak & frail. You watch him on talk shows and he zips around just fine lol! But I love the fact that in ep 3 it appears writers are trying to address one of those funny never explained issues from old trek. When I was young it always annoyed me how in TNG supposedly a Borg who got his individuality somehow broke a friggin cube and caused a rebellion on it of sorts when assimilating individuals is what the Borg do lol. Voyager & FC ended up adding a lot of info on how the borg worked, how they connect, and made it pretty obvious that assimilating ex borgs (eg 7 of 9, the borg kids, locutus etc) back into the fold wasn't going to break anything lol, in fact they wanted them. Yes Hugh was a Borg test tube baby and not a previous individual unlike those others I mention but it shouldn't really matter HOW they became an individual when you're grabbing someone and pumping nanites into their blood and connecting them to the hive lol. However it looks like the new trek writers are carving a story where in reality, Hugh went back to the Borg they reassimilated him no probs but then a few hours later on the trip back to delta they found a nice little yummy Romulan intelligence vessel on the way to assimilate, they start 'processing them' and then 'something' goes wrong (Romulan virus? weapon? racial nanite rejection like the Denobulans?). Hugh presumably wakes up and pops out of his alcove again thinking its somehow caused by him (hence why he later tells Picard in Descent that it was his fault), all the other borgs who don't know how to be individuals start goin nuts and they kick off a nice little rebellion which then at some point Lore arrives on the scene and takes control of them and they escape on the light cruiser which we see in Descent (small borg ships inside big borg ships is nothing new). In fact this new obvious Romulan ex-borg fears of Dahj's sister (ie synthetics) could very well be relating to trauma from what Lore did to many of them when he took over things which once again gives me hope Lore will somehow come into this new story at some point. Probably a long shot though haha. Am I way off.. we shall see haha.

Edited by blake00
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Simple solution for the elders who remember when the journey began. Stop grumbling about what's become of your favorite paths to the future. Leaving your will to those who are scrounging around in what remains there in your mind to find ways to use modern tech to make shows to entertain your children is your fault. Not your right to excuse yourself for not making it happen. (WARNING! FORUM TREKKIE MEMBERS WARNING! Do not click on any of the LINKs or you may become angry and cause the minds of the aliens to lose your Mind Fi Jet Pack connections. If you have children "DON'T WORRY! BE HAPPY!)




I've learned that the modern series of the Movies and Television shows do not carry over from the exposure I got from watching Star Trek. If I had children who watched this new series I think my face would be ablaze with disbelief.


How could the creators be so far gone, over the edge, drifting so far out of our solar system (1967 or was it 1968)?


Why are they unable to report much of anything back to those of us true 1st of all children baby sat, (and cripples like me nurse aided by a television set, a computer monitor, and now 4K UHD with the future OLED yet to appear in my house) of the "Original group of Trekkies" reminding us of the Series Star Trek episodes that kept us excited that we are familiar with?


Picard is a lounge chair knight and has an invisible wheelchair that wasn't used in an X-Man series. What comes to my mind is a wheelchair encased in a fancy body so the cripple who is being taken by the USS Enterprise 1701 D, hi-jacked by Spock, to a planet where the cripple can be given a good retirement home planet. It is one chair remodeled and remade so we call it an Exoskeleton.


And there he will be able to believe he is a whole healthy young man again. While the planets illusion providers take his sperm, artificially inseminate a woman who also was disfigured when her ship crashed on their planet almost killing her, and then aliens can repopulate their planet. (Is anyone having a memory swimming back to the future?)


Ah Yes! Star Trek: The Menagerie The dream come true for my crippled body. A vision of life without the restrictions of the prosthetic devices I need to get about.


But nothing in the new series to merit my attention, except to grumble that someone is angry! While they are angry the aliens on the planet can't make them believe and see that think they are healthy, happy, and with a mate to make life a pretty package.


Oh! The Young! What do they think they are doing? Oh! Yeah. Earning a living by charging the parent's of healthy children money to entertain the youth; so the worn out parents can get some sleep.


More lives engaged in: Going where no man has gone before; all our healthy children are learning from Baby sitting computers via television babysitting them, instead of their parents teaching them about living while they struggle half asleep to support their own children in their own Illusions of Grandeur.


Soon children will have their own PET to do their courting and to deliver flowers to their blushing bloated chair blob shaped bride. Such a wondrous bundle of children while others go to the gym or run around at parks keeping fit so one day their reality of illusions of grandeur might be realized by their children because they kept themselve physically fit during all the fantasy creations for us Cripples..


And NOW the new movie, "Terminator: Dark Fate" could not have been better at bringing us more destruction of machines and mayhem then the Blues Brothers.

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It's funny. Am involved in a number of Picard forum discussions around the net and I see some people complaining about too much exposition yet I see others complaining about being confused due to not enough info lol. Makes me think they probably should have just done Ep 1 & 2 together as a pilot movie (that would have avoided some of the anger about confusing things in ep1 that were explained in ep 2) then they could have had the big trailer at the end of the 2hrs showing that the adventure kicks off next episode. Instead we got a ep1 that confused people and an exciting trailer at the end of it that implied the adventure was about to begin when in reality the next ep was still farting around on earth lol. So yeah I reckon a combined double ep pilot would have pissed off/confused far less people.


Anyway I'm still enjoying the show but am still unsure as to whether I actually really really like it or not. Still need to see how story pans out lol.



I think one of the problems is that Trek episodes used to be a self contained story with a beginning, middle and end, they may have been part of a wider arc but there was closure at the end of each show. Picard is like watching a movie that's been arbitrary chopped up and fed to us in chunks, with movies you do tend to get a lot of exposition at the start to set up the rest of the movie, maybe moving forward there'll be a little less of it?

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It's funny. Am involved in a number of Picard forum discussions around the net and I see some people complaining about too much exposition yet I see others complaining about being confused due to not enough info lol. Makes me think they probably should have just done Ep 1 & 2 together as a pilot movie (that would have avoided some of the anger about confusing things in ep1 that were explained in ep 2) then they could have had the big trailer at the end of the 2hrs showing that the adventure kicks off next episode. Instead we got a ep1 that confused people and an exciting trailer at the end of it that implied the adventure was about to begin when in reality the next ep was still farting around on earth lol. So yeah I reckon a combined double ep pilot would have pissed off/confused far less people.


Anyway I'm still enjoying the show but am still unsure as to whether I actually really really like it or not. Still need to see how story pans out lol.



I think one of the problems is that Trek episodes used to be a self contained story with a beginning, middle and end, they may have been part of a wider arc but there was closure at the end of each show. Picard is like watching a movie that's been arbitrary chopped up and fed to us in chunks, with movies you do tend to get a lot of exposition at the start to set up the rest of the movie, maybe moving forward there'll be a little less of it?



Yes! Like the stories structures are criss-crossing back and forth in the lives of X-Men's: Charles Xavier over and back from Star Trek's: Captain Picard.


I gleaned from your words that the authors focus in both Episodes is mostly a mix of what are called clip notes. A collection of random parts of a whole story meant for tests given on Friday. I imagine that from the first episode in the scripts first paragraph it had no flow through from the chapters beginning, middle, or did not have a short expert end with a cliffhanger to draw the watcher's attention in to keep them focused so they would want to see the next chapter.


No story. But they got a bunch of good lettuce, tomatoes, and other vegetables (grumbles) tossed at the lousy show, and the writers saw the mess to mean something good. Since food is a good sign someone liked something. Even if it was intended to chase the actors off the stage for lousy acting. The writers must think they did something correct, picked up the partially rotted and dirty veggies, and made a salad.


Happy to have something to eat.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Episode 4 seen (belated).. WE'RE OFF!:

Well things have finally taken off! Enjoying the fact we're back in space.. loved the look of the Romulan refugee colony (particularly in the flashback sequences) with the giant 'world tree' background, although in the opening planet shot I wish we'd seen the Enterprise E approaching (considering they made some interesting modifications to the D I'd be interested to see what they do with the E). Backstory of the Romulan Samurai dude & his history with Picard was interesting, although Picard now walking around with a Elf looking dude that slices off heads feels a bit weird lol, but no doubt they'll be some big fun action bits with him down the track (which will aggravate oldschool trek purists to no end I'm sure haha).

Enjoyed the space battle, sure enough it was a classic 22nd century Romulan Bird of Prey (nice tip of hat to old Trek), retrofitted for lawless system warlord related activities lol. Interesting to see all these different hologram crew member variants captain Chris has. 7 of 9 has arrived! Will be very interesting to see how much they delve into her past and backstory post Voyager return. Also the holodeck stuff explains why she's in Patrick's 'home' in the trailers. I know people were complaining/making fun of the Picard sword scene in the original trailer, but it was fine, they even made him took kinda tough before he did the expected 'I'm not fighting you/playing your games' thing. Although his comment about having bad knees annoyed me, I don't care if you're 95yrs old, it's 24th century, people aren't gonna have 'bad knees' lol (we're already getting into 3D printing/replicating joints & cartilage now so it's only a matter of time), would rather they just continue to try and hide any difficulties RL Patrick might have, although I still maintain he seems to zip around just fine in real life on talk shows and stuff though lol.

Anyway we're already off to another planet in the teaser for the next ep so things are definitely moving along now lol! Although I'm a little worried about all that silly dress up stuff.. I swear to god if the next ep is like the Casino planet sequence in Ryan Johnson's cr*ptastic Star Wars film and black eye patch gangsta Picard is throwing dice with cheesy overly excited cgi aliens I'm gonna throw my Tv lol.

Oh and I'm probably off the mark with the Lore theory previously posted.. sounds like they're going for something bigger.. harbinger of doom stuff lol!

Guess I better hurry up and watch Ep 5 now instead of reading comments as that's just asking for spoilers haha.


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