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Warp drive is Possible


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Yes you heard that right, Nasa is trying to make a warp drive and maybe in this life time i think you would be seeing faster then light travel, but only it actually isn't your ship that's moving faster then the speed of light, space itself bends..




Mind blown, this can be the ticket we've been looking for http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif


More genuine news







Edited by Thor.
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Holy unbelievable. This concept isn't new to me, but to hear that it may be possible in our lifetime? Prepare the masses, stock the storerooms, seal the bay doors, and initiate the autopilot-- Alpha Centauri, here I come. :D Edited by Keanumoreira
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Yes i believe this is, even if we can get that fast, I mean 30 times the speed of light, whats stopping at 10. We could be travelling to a new planet or even a new Universe at that speed. The possibilities are endless. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif is there a limit on how fast you can go is the question ?? Edited by Thor.
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About time, I was already familar with the concept and theory and it's great they have found a way to actually implement this. There's no doubt this will be essential down the line as it's only a matter of time before earth becomes uninhabitable and we need to find another planet to live on...that's if the aliens will let us!
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The only thing I could see wrong with going that fast (note I have not watched the video just yet) is that you'd be unable to avoid any planetary bodies or the random massive space rock that comes your way.


EDIT: Ah, so instead of actually going faster than light it instead bends space... Sounds pretty sweet to me! (Reminded me of Halo and the Shaw-Fujikawa drives they use to go into Slipspace :P)

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This might explain what it would look like in space, something like a shockwave in space.





If this warp drive what i think it is, we are officially going to make microscopic in terms big bangs.



Edited by Thor.
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