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Merging Robert's Male Bodies with Beautiful People 2.7


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No greeting.



Does anyone know what the compatibility patch or whatever fixes, besides the eye thing?


I had thought that using the new version of BP and Roberts mod would make the male torso not look like crap..


Is there any way to do this?

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You can make bashed patch with Wrye Bash, or make a merged plugin with TES4Gecko, then use the merged one. Another way is, open BP plugin in Construction Set, then change male foot textures to Robert's except Imperial, Dark Elf, Orc, Argonian, non-playable Daedric races(You have to install correct textures for the body replacer), any custom race that uses Imperial texture or its own texture(I don't think there're RM textures for Skyrim Khajiit and Tang Mo). For Khajiits, change male foot texture to RT(something).dds, because Khajiit male and female share same foot texture. Then, save edited plugin.
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Oh, I'm sorry..


I neglected to state what I was referring to the Mystic Elves.

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