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Body still doesn't look right...


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I downloaded a custom save (at the beginning) and installed it, along with HGEC body mod. However, despite the specifications, the body doesn't seem to be as nicely shaped as the pictures show them to be. They still seem overly lanky and tall and nothing at all like the attractive body mod pics that are shown in the screen shots. Am I doing something wrong? I installed it via Oblivion mod manager and the bodys still come out overly unattractive the head just seems too small for the body.


Please help!


Newbie here.

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About the body problem, it's Archive invalidation issue, maybe. Some users ask: 'Hey, I installed body replacer blahblahblah, but still I see vanilla body'. The answer?


1. Check if you installed body replacer correctly. Of course, all body replacers require replacement textures as well, and in most case, they are supplied with replacerment meshes. If not, you have to get compatible skin texture.

2. Do archive invalidation to make texture/mesh replacers work right. Currently BSA redirection is recommended, for it does not alter anything other than adding dummy BSA and editing Oblivion.ini, and it's quite reliable. If it does not work, check dates of stock BSA files. Vanilla BSA files should be older than dummy BSA. (Steam users have such problem, IIRC)

Edited by LFact
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