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Making characters in Oblivion prettier


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OKay, this has been bothering me for a while.. but how do you guys make your characters look so pretty? Even after I installed the HGEC female body mod, my character still looks overly tall and lanky and... just not very attractive like in those screenshots. Am I supposed to install an additional mod? Just wondering.. newbie here.



Please help!


Thank you.

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hey you probably need to start a new game and use this one and possibly





Cosmetic mod doesn't matter, unless you want some custom hairs and eyes for your character. And maybe even custom races don't matter for making good-looking characters, although it's easier to make pretty girl with any popular custom race. The key is practice and patience. You may try SI Facegen Modeller(free demo is avaiable on official website) and transplant Facegen-generated facial shape onto your save file, still you need to tweak all the sliders until you're satisfied.

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I appreciate everything so far! A lot of these have helped.


One of my biggest issues so far is the bodies. Somehow, they're still coming up as kind of scrawny looking and lanky. However, when I see screenshots of HCEG (SP?) body mod, they look way better proportioned. Am I doing something wrong? I applied via OBM as well as NMM and they still come out less than stellar like I know they should be.

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I appreciate everything so far! A lot of these have helped.


One of my biggest issues so far is the bodies. Somehow, they're still coming up as kind of scrawny looking and lanky. However, when I see screenshots of HCEG (SP?) body mod, they look way better proportioned. Am I doing something wrong? I applied via OBM as well as NMM and they still come out less than stellar like I know they should be.


Unless you are far more specific about what you've done, what you are trying to do and what problems you are having, we can't help you.

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I appreciate everything so far! A lot of these have helped.


One of my biggest issues so far is the bodies. Somehow, they're still coming up as kind of scrawny looking and lanky. However, when I see screenshots of HCEG (SP?) body mod, they look way better proportioned. Am I doing something wrong? I applied via OBM as well as NMM and they still come out less than stellar like I know they should be.


Unless you are far more specific about what you've done, what you are trying to do and what problems you are having, we can't help you.


Sorry, I'mma newb at this modding stuff.


This is the mod I installed VIA NMM/OBM




However, my body doesn't like that.. it does make her naked, and it does show some ab definition/six pack, but her body is nowhere near as shapely as the screenshots show.





There is how she looks like.


I did exactly as the mod said, applied via OBM. However, I don't get similar results.

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Keep in mind that the way the game works is when you or an NPC wears clothes/armor they 'become' the body part they cover (actually the body slot assigned in the CS). That's also the reason you'll see varying amounts of ugliness if you don't use a HGEC stock clothing/armor replacer (if you don't, look at the arms of anyone wearing something short sleeved) and why you need to make sure custom clothing/armor is HGEC compatible.


EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion is an option that offers the HGEC body as well as the replacers.

Edited by Striker879
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