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Boyfriends in Oblivion


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seeing as she's a minor,tread lighty lads!

Good point, I'd like to see,some mods covering gay and lesbian relationships,I know for a fact that those of that persuasion play oblivion.

And please no juvenile comments,lets be adult or at least mature about it.It's a fact of life!


Change Eyja into a guy?


The store owner into a woman? <-- The one from the Skingrad house quest :D


- I'm joking ;)



I dont know how possible it is. But someone was able to create an Eyja romance mod awhile back. Not sure if its still avaiable or not. It would probably take similar scriptings.

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Wouldn't be possible to easily convert Romancing of Eyja to a male companion. Similar to Ruined-Tail, the mod is voice-acted (heavy editing done with the Nord Female voice-set to produce the new dialogue).


It'd be worth studying to see what scripting and quests could be adapted for use in a male companion mod, but that's not my specialty; I'm working on something else, right now.


@Dezdimona - None of the companion sets are scripted to care what gender your character is; if you want Eyja to partner-up with your female argonian, she'll do so.

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You're interested in dating a non-existant virtual person? Whats wrong with real people. (no offence intended, I'm still suprised all the female members haven't found out where I live and butchered me for the post on 'You know what I like?' topic) :unsure:
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You're interested in dating a non-existant virtual person? Whats wrong with real people. (no offence intended, I'm still suprised all the female members haven't found out where I live and butchered me for the post on 'You know what I like?' topic) :unsure:

pm your address,I'll see what I can do!

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I'm surprised Ruined tail being mentioned but Tears of the Fiend don't. The first part figures a gal, but the Butcher of Amingdale may be a good male companion with romance possibilities. And it's a mod that figured among the top 100 for a long time. Tears of the Fiend link

Better yet, it's not just a companion mod, it is a companion quest mod.

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I suspect dez of owning a few cat's'o'nine'tails. I suggest hiding. Even if you don't hand out that adress.




Unless you're into that kinda thing :D.


"Sticks and stones will break my bones but whips and chains exite me". Not true. Shotgun under the bed time, methinks :unsure:

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