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Does Anyone Know How To....


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Hi everyone. I'm replaying Skyrim and because of some bugginess and other issues, I ended up starting all over again from the very beginning. I really don't want to have to do the whole Stormcloak quest again, but I also don't want to use the console to get through it because when I use it too much my meshes get messed up. (Lots of odd purple or yellow colors) Just wondering if anyone knows another way to get past a quest without really messing up your game?




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Find a SaveGame that only completed the stormcloak quest line, then you could use Ragged Flaggon to change its face to your liking, would be your only other option. Personally id just start from scratch, you'll find plenty of other quest to keep you occupied while you forget about the stormcloaks. And you might want to get that mesh problem looked at, thats not normal.
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Thanks Super Nussie. That's a good idea. I'll have to find someone experienced in this stuff to ask about the meshes and odd colors---I'm sure someone on one of the boards will be able to help me out. :)
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Purple is usually missing textures. It often happens when you remove a texture and then don't replace it, or if a mod uses a texture you don't have. It can also happen if there is an issue with your driver.

Not sure about the yellow. Posting a picture might help people help you more specifically.

Generally speaking you could try validating your cache and updating your drivers.

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Find a SaveGame that only completed the stormcloak quest line, then you could use Ragged Flaggon to change its face to your liking, would be your only other option. Personally id just start from scratch, you'll find plenty of other quest to keep you occupied while you forget about the stormcloaks. And you might want to get that mesh problem looked at, thats not normal.

showracemenu would work better.

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I have a semi-advanced Modding question, and this "How-to" thread seemed a good place to post:


I need to know how to link a new custom cell location to the World Objects menu. I have looked at Inns and Keeps and saw that they use Refs to do this, but when I try it in my mod, it doesn't work. What I REALLY want is to have my Bard play in my new custom Player House. I have combed through video tutorials and have found little help on specifically what I need, so would be very grateful for some help.


I know that to have a Bard play, the Location needs to have "LocTypeInn" as a Keyword, and that Location Refs and Cells must be added to that Location. Here is where I need help. If I select the reference in my Location file, and select either a Cell or a Reference in render window (such as "LocationCenterMarker"), it does NOT get added to my Location, which I am told in this video that it happens automatically. I tried closing CK and reopening, and it was still not added.



I hope that makes sense. If anyone knows what do do, or needs more clarification, please please let me know. I would really like to make this work. I'm attaching a screen shot of the dialog box, hope it helps. My mod is Silver Falls Lodge, here on Nexus:



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You could probably do the entire Stormcloak questline in less than an hour if you just skip all the dialogue, use fast travel, and run through it on Novice difficulty. Doing anything else to finish it probably would take just as long, but would most likely leave unwanted side effects.
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